People enjoy talking about their favourite things so this one is usually a great ice breaker. And of course if you share any of the answers in common, even better! People's face lights up and their eyes twinkle and they can talk forever about this topic when something is really special to them. Now, this may be behind a phone or computer screen, but when people are really passionate about something, it will shine through even a piece of technology. You may think, "aren't passions and interests the same thing? They can be totally different things or can align with people's passions, so this is a question worth asking.

While this might be a touchy topic for some, other might be very open about it. A question like this can really help you see if a person's values are similar to yours or not, or if you are able to align with them. Another pretty standard question. Are you going to be splitting pitchers, getting wine drunk or enjoying an ice cold cola?

17 Essential Questions You Must Ask Your Online Match Before Meeting Them IRL

It is very important to know before hand for sure. Family values are pretty important to most people. Future you would want to know! Beach bum, or thrill seeking traveler? In the future should things pan out will you be splurging to lounge on the beaches of the Caribbean or will you be walking on the Great Wall of China? This also gives them and you a chance to talk about previous vacations, expanding the conversation. Here as in whatever online dating profile you might be on. This will help you weed out and determine whether or not this person just wants to hook up and have fun or find an actual committed relationship, and if that is what you also want.

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Ideally this does the same as the previous question and goes more in depth by directly targeting their intentions for just you. You can end up getting a more direct answer that won't be a copy and paste. If he or she only states general things that might just be changing someone's name for yours, you'll know.

What are you most excited about in your life right now? Describe one extravagance you have for which you will never apologize. What do you want to be known for? In one sentence what is your biggest concern right now? What do you feel people take for granted the most?

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What are you better at than 90 percent of the population? What is something about you that would surprise me? What is a piece of advice you often give but find yourself struggling to follow? Describe your perfect mate in one sentence. When is the last time you did something courageous for yourself? Would you describe yourself as more of an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?

Which significant other in your life has had the biggest impact on you and why? If you had to spend a year alone with one other person who would it be and why? What was the last thing you learned that made a big impact on you or an ah-ha moment? When was the last time life left you breathless?

What are you really passionate about and why? Where is your favorite travel get-away? If you had one hour left to live what would you do? What was your favorite year and why? Do you have any tattoos? What do they mean? If you could come back to life as an animal what animal would you be? If you could be friends with a celebrity who would it be and why?

Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants? Then ask what made them do it If I were to ask your friends about you what would they say? If you could live another life as someone else who would it be? If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? When was the last time you cried? What do you think happens to us after we die? What is your drink of choice? What was your favorite game to play as a child? Dog or cat person? If you could pick an emoji to best describe you which one would it be?

Good Online Dating Questions to Ask Guys (#10-18)

Have you ever broken a bone? If a high-school stereotype were to describe you in adulthood which one would it be? Are you a morning or night person? Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Would you rather live forever or die tomorrow? Who in your family are you closest to? What would you say is your most redeeming quality? What has been your biggest accomplishment in life so far? What combination of fixings makes your perfect burrito?

10 Good Questions to Ask to Get to Know Someone FAST!

Who is your role model or has had the biggest influence on your life? Do you have any nicknames? How many siblings do you have? Do you consider yourself a morning person or a night owl? How long did it take you to start enjoying coffee? What do your parents do for a living?

18 Good Online Dating Questions — (To Ask Girls & Guys)

What are two of your bucket list items? Were you closer with your mom or your dad growing up? What is something you are financially saving up for currently? Where is your happy space? What is your favorite article of clothing you own? Do you have any specialty cooking dishes? What is one job you could never do?

When is your birthday? What is in your fridge right now? What are you worse at than 90 percent of the population? Do you believe in aliens? Have you ever been out of the country? What fact about you surprises people the most? What do you do for a living?

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