Why Do Women Choose Older Men?

We all remember when year old Ashley Olsen made headlines for reportedly dating year-old Bennett Miller, the director of Moneyball. And, yes, I know some younger men date older women. Kyle Jones, a year-old Pittsburgh guy, was in the news for having a relationship with year-old great-grandmother, Marjorie McCool. So I am not being sexist. However, this article is about younger women falling in love with older men. And I don't mean a few years older. Traditionally, it has not just been customary but also advisable for girls to marry men who were a few years older - maybe by two to five years.

There are biological as well as psychological reasons for this. For instance, girls enter puberty sooner, their bodies are ready to have children earlier, and they only remain fertile for a limited time period. Psychologically, they reach emotional maturity much sooner than men. Pratt, Gracia Edwards and Gert Stulp, revealed that married women were 4.

According to the same study, successful men featured on the Forbes list married women seven years younger. In fact, the numbers get more interesting. When these super-rich men remarried, their subsequent partner was substantially younger, years younger on average. Girls get a head-start by marrying older men, as it affords them a similar or better lifestyle than they were used to while living with their parents.

After all, their parents would have secured a commendable standard of living in their middle age, and the girl would like to ensure that she gets similar comforts when she marries.

What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man | PairedLife

If she were to marry a man the same age or slightly younger, they both would be starting out together and would lead a life of struggle initially—at least before they can plant their feet firmly in their respective careers. Online dating sites have made it easier for women to find men of all varieties—single, divorced, rich, and even married men. In fact, many are full of married men pretending to be single or divorced. Because such websites attract more men than women, they often offer women incentives such as free registration and discretion. All of this makes it easier for younger women to meet and date younger men.

You must consider the following differences before marrying or even getting into a relationship with an older man.

What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man

To get an idea of the possible challenges, you only have to read the experiences of women who have married old men. These tragic stories are all over the internet. The benefits of dating an older man are very few, and most fathers would have a hard time if their daughters began to date one. To be fair, some couples have successfully lived together despite the age difference. What do you think? Do you have first-hand experience with an older man? Or do you know someone who does? Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.

I am 37 and this guy is 61, we met because his dad lived in the senior community where i work. The dad died two weeks ago and tried to show support most of the time. He is very sweet and hugs me a lot, but the last time he did, he told me he loves me while hugging and I replied me too. But I left to keep doing my work. This left me really confused because I feel a lot of attraction to him. Do you think he is just thankful for the support? Or he likes me? Young women up to say about 24 should not be interested in or desire anything more from an older men but sex and fun. A purely sexual relationship.

Interesting how you make the most apparent age difference example 27 and The time where both are looking at a fast approaching mile stones. Her turning 30 soon and entering her last few years of healthy childbearing years and him well turning Everyone knows that when a woman is that close to 30 she is engaging desperate mode, desperate for a provider for the children she wants and they need to arrive soon.

Pointing out beautiful YOUNG women that older men want never went after a career where she makes her own money since she has gotten everything she ever wanted money wise given to her in payment for her company. Everyone also knows that the usual younger women that men over 45 get with are usually 18 to not much older than Once a girl hits that 25ish age she has lost her little girl looks and thats really what men want.

Many thanks staciejaxx for such a unique perspective on this topic, which is invaluable. You are right, it is far more important to be a relationship where the need to communicate is well-served, than to be in a relationship where other needs dominate. At the same time, let's acknowledge that other needs are as relevant, if not more. A balance of needs makes a relationship successful. Thank you once again. I learned something new from you today. I have to chime in here because I could not honestly take some of the comments on here seriously.

However, there were a few who actually held weight and substance. The comments that I took seriously were the ones in which realistically depicted what could possibly happen if I were to marry someone considerably older than I am. First of all, if you are dating someone or married to someone that is 15 yrs. For couples who are 15 yrs or less apart no one is going to be looking at you and saying or wondering why you two decided to be together.

My partner is 20 years younger than me ... but why do people care?

I don't think by looking at two people with such an age gap one would be able to decipher the fact that a there is an age gap or b that it is even consequential to the relationship. Especially, if you are a female in your twenties and he is in his thirties. If anything, you as the female would enjoy so many benefits from dating or being married to someone that much older as opposed to being 30 yrs.

I was equally not impressed or moved by the comments in which twenty year old females spoke about being with men who were 55 yrs. A man in his 40's and possibly up to the age of is still active and can remain verile if he has remained in relatively good health. Of course, this might not be the case for all men but tends to generally be true for most men.

What some young women who are in their 20's fail to realize is that if they are dating a man who is yrs. So pretty much what you see is what you get. However, we can honestly say that a woman who is in her twenties will most certainly experience many things in her life for the next 20 yrs. These experiences may or may not help determine whether or not your relationship with an older man is going to be successful or not. It is unfair for "you" as a young lady to deprive yourself of these experiences however colorful these experiences may be just so you can settle into a comfortable life of being taken care of.

When You Date Someone Younger Than You...

Not all women who marry older men want to be taken care of but if this is your only motivation then you have "bigger fish to fry". Eventually, the universe will show you just how big. Especially, if you are in your twenties. Allow this decade to be about you learning what your likes and dislikes are without being necessarily told what they are by someone who thinks they know what your likes and dislikes are simply because they are older than you. Of course, not every man that is substantially older than his woman wants to control her.

However, as another commenter pointed out there is something to be said about a man who is dating someone yrs. Why is he unable to work things out with someone closer to his age? If he is married and seeing you why hasn't he gotten a divorce yet? If you are truly the love of his life why hasn't he committed himself to establishing a healthy relationship with you?

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These are all questions I had to ask myself when I was faced with a similar situation. So please, don't think I am on here to be bitter or discourage you from living your best life.

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  • If anything, I want you to live your best life knowing you are getting what you rightfully deserve. I am in my late thirties seeing a man in his early fifties. I don't see this as a big deal because I have lived life and experienced things.

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    I have dated men ten years younger than myself. While they have been fun they weren't necessarily marriage material. I would never expect that from a man who is still in his twenties. This is why I allowed the relationship to be about having a good time and only this.

    How Much Older Are We Talking?

    I am also, able to support myself so I don't need to date any man whether younger or older for his money. I have an 18 yr. There will be plenty of time to settle down with whomever you want to with later but these yrs. As far as the bit about dating an older man The age will have nothing to do with the level of intimacy you share after the age of You should also, both be able to take care of each other mutually.

    In other words don't allow yourself to become somebody's caregiver off the bat.

    The situation differs if you have been with someone for sometime and they eventually end up becoming sick where you have to take care of them exclusively. Versus, you being in your twenties and dating someone who is in their fifties or older knowing eventually you will have to take care of this person.