
How would you feel if I slept with a stuffed animal? What is your biggest guilty pleasure? Would you still like me if I was a foot shorter? If your life was a sitcom, what would it be called? If you could only ride a unicycle or use stilts to commute, which would you choose? Would you ever drive a motorcycle with me on the back? Do you think bald is sexy? If you were a super villain, what scandalous crime would you commit?

Tennis shoes, high heels, or flip flops?

7 Greatest Conversation Starters That Actually Work

What would you do if a girl tried to buy you a drink? What do you buy at the candy store? If you had to get any weird piercing, what would it be? What dessert best describes your personality and why?

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If your sex life could be described in eggs, what kind of eggs would it be? What was your most embarrassing moment ever? What is your least favorite movie and why? What is the funniest pickup line someone has tried to use on you?

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  2. 67 Fun Relationship Questions for Couples | LoveToKnow.
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  5. Make Her Laugh!.

How would you react if I started dressing like a pirate? How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse? Do you believe in ghosts? If I was your favorite pizza, what toppings would I have on me? Hot fudge or whipped cream?

36 Questions That Make Strangers Fall In Love

Can you spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? If you could make out with any cartoon character, who would you pick?

Media and Today's Culture

What are you addicted to? What is your superhero alter ego? Do you talk to animals? Do you know how to do the macarena? How many pairs of shoes do you own? What five things do you always have with you? What is the last dream you can remember??

If you were going to chug a 2 liter of any beverage, what would it be? What could make me even more irresistible to you? What food would you consider your mortal enemy? Have you ever found a pizza delivery guy attractive? If someone has something between their teeth, would you tell them? Star Wars or Star Trek? What would your pro-wrestler name be? If Voldemort asked you to join him, would you?

Me, a squirrel, and a panda: Do you prefer full, groomed beard, short stubble, or clean shaven? Do you secretly wish Santa was real? Could you beat me in a staring contest?

100+ Funny Questions to Ask a Girl

Do you think rock, paper, scissors is an effective way to solve disagreements? Whether it's your first date or your thirtieth, you can always ask questions to get to know someone better. Try some general ones like these or choose a theme and let the conversation roll from there. From pop culture and phone apps to old favorites and magazine subscriptions, learning about a person's media preferences can give you insight into who they are early in a relationship.

During the first couple of dates, questions like these may feel more comfortable than some other types. People love talking about themselves and sharing little tidbits that make them feel unique. Ask these, then sit back and listen. Be prepared to answer them, too. Knowing a potential boyfriend or girlfriend's future goals will let you know if you're on similar paths and whether you're compatible. If you could be a type of beer, which would you be? What is the last book you read? Did you like it? If you could have any talent, which would you have? What was your AIM screenname?

Why did you choose it? Would you like to go out again next week?

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  • If you were stranded on an island, what is one item you would take with you? Who is your favorite band or musician? Are you more of a morning person or night owl? Where would you go on your dream vacation? Who is the closest person to you and why? What is your favorite childhood memory? What kind of hobbies do you enjoy? Do you have any fears?

    If so, what are they?

    + Speed Dating Questions to Get to Know Someone | PairedLife

    What are your current goals in life? Do have a favorite color and why? What would you choose as your top meal? What is your favorite city you have been to? What is on your bucket list? If you had no fears, what would be the first thing you would do? Do you have siblings? Where did you grow up at? What do value in others?

    What is your favorite book you have read? What is one piece advice you would give to someone? What is your favorite cuisine to cook? Do you have any vices? Do you speak any other languages? If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?