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Being A Woman As A JW

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Should I Give Up Holidays for Love?

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Thomas Moore advises a Catholic woman who is dating a Jehovah's Witness - Beliefnet

Safety Hints and tips on safe dating. Privacy Policy Your details are safe with us. Read the specifics of our privacy policy here. Terms of Use Use of this site signifies your agreement to our terms of use. Read the details here.

Jehovah's Witness Dating Rules

Network Services Profiles may be shared across our network. Find out more here. Photo Help Hints and tips for uploading photos. Tell a Friend Have a single friend? Tell them about JWMatch. The girls exchange secretive looks and giggle. At first glance, it could be a wedding party. The girls' skirts might be a little longer and the children might look a bit more nicely coiffed, but it would be difficult to assign this group of people to any particular faith community.

It's only their purple plastic nametags that give them away: Written above the name is the phrase "Let God's Kingdom Come! Andreas and Stefanie Georg, 33 and 34, are among those sitting on the rows of seats in the Westfalen Stadium. They have been married for 12 years. Both have been Jehovah's Witnesses since they were young.

They spend 40 hours per week doing missionary work, preferably side-by-side. They are nice, peaceful people. They offer strangers licorice and apple slices, spread out wool blankets against the cold and help old people up the stairs.

Safe and clean online network for Jehovah's Witnesses?

They listen quietly to the speaker on the lawn below. They sit close together, still and pious in the seats usually occupied by cheering, swearing fans of the Borussia Dortmund football club. They hold their Bible in front of them like a silver tray: Their entire life is in this Bible. There are passages explaining why nicotine is forbidden but a glass of wine at the end of the day permitted, why blood transfusions are to be avoided and why non-believers must be converted. At least, they claim that's what the Bible says. They don't mention that the Protestant church has described the translation of the Bible used by Jehovah's Witnesses as inaccurate and uncritical.

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Throughout the meeting, Bible passages are discussed at length and hymns are sung. Every so often, there is an interview with a Jehovah's Witness.

Online social site for active Jehovah's Witnesses?

These always follow the same format: Asked to tell about his missionary work, the interviewee enthuses about the experience -- it's wonderful. There are some , Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany. The number of children and youths among them is not recorded. In accordance with their religious law, Witnesses cannot accept any blood product — whether that be a touch of blood pudding at dinner, or a potentially life-saving blood […].

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A website by Thought. No birthdays, Christmas, or any other holidays All the other kids are doing fun Thanksgiving drawings of Turkeys by tracing their hands. Having to go door-to-door preaching every Saturday and sometimes Sunday as well I barely got any sleep when I was a Witness. No sex before marriage Nothing.

Keeping up with their ever-changing, made-up doctrine When I first became a Witness, blood was not allowed to be consumed in any form, whether it was blood pudding or a life-saving blood transfusion. More From Thought Catalog. Get our newsletter every Friday!