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Thus, scholars are confident that they are not wildly off the mark. But it's difficult to be precise. For example, the first known pyramid, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, was built as a tomb for King Djoser, and historians usually put the beginning of his reign between and B. But one recent paper by Spence, based on astronomical calculations, put it as much as 75 years later.

Radiocarbon dating has been too imprecise to resolve these contradictions because in this period it usually has error ranges of between and years. A team led by Christopher Bronk Ramsey of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom adopted a two-pronged strategy to get around radiocarbon's limitations. First, researchers searched museum collections around the world for plant remains directly associated with the reigns of particular kings or periods, often using offerings from pyramids where the kings were buried. The plant samples were radiocarbon dated. Second, the team used a mathematical modeling approach called Bayesian statistics to compare the patterns in the radiocarbon and historical dates and come up with the most likely correlation between them.

Felix Höflmayer

The researchers constructed a separate model for each of the three main Egyptian periods: This allowed them to increase the precision of radiocarbon dating of each period to 76, 53, and 24 years, respectively. As the researchers will report in tomorrow's issue of Science , they found that the Old Kingdom, which kicked off with Djoser's reign, began between and B. The New Kingdom, which starts with the reign of Ahmose, began between about and B. New Kingdom pharoah Rameses II, considered the greatest of the Egyptian kings by historians, clocks in between and B.

The dating ranges are earlier than some historians had previously proposed. For example, in a Nature paper, Spence argued, based on the astronomical alignments of Egyptian pyramids, that Djoser's reign was somewhat later. Yet the new study does not resolve all of the outstanding issues.

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  4. New Dates for Egypt's Pharaohs | Science | AAAS!

In a Perspective accompanying the paper, archaeologist Hendrik Bruins of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel points out that one major controversy remains unresolved: Previous radiocarbon dating suggests that the eruption took place at least years before the New Kingdom began, which the new dating puts at no earlier than B.

Comparison of the IR spectra obtained on one pure modern linen textile, on a textile from an embalmed mummy and on Judean bitumen.


Besides, the single band close to cm -1 is absent of both the bitumen and the pure linen spectra. Les cinq tissus ont des spectres semblables b: Par ailleurs, la bande simple autour de cm -1 est absente du spectre du bitume et de celui du lin pur moderne. To test the effects of each step of this protocol on radiocarbon dating, eight different samples have been produced. They are listed on Table 4. They have been observed by binocular microscopy figure 6: Test-samples 3 and 4 steps 1, 2, 3 are more blackened and brighter than test-samples 5 and 6 steps 1, 2 , even though the four have undergone the extraction protocol but the last two have not been artificially aged.

Experimental protocol applied on the eight test-samples column 3 ; Results of IR analyses, presence of the cm -1 band, bitumen markers at , , and cm -1 column 4 ; radiocarbon dating results obtained for the eight test-samples column 5: Figure 6 Binocular microscopy observations of the eight test-samples. Test-sample 7 and 8 have not been dipped in bitumen 7: Test-sample 2 shows the linen textile after being dipped in bitumen step 1. Test-samples 3 and 4 have been dipped in bitumen, thermally degraded and extracted steps 1, 2, 3 ; they seems more blackened and brighter than test-samples 5 and 6, which have been dipped in bitumen and extracted without being thermally degraded steps 1, 2.

The major band around cm -1 , attributed to linen, is present on the test-samples spectra, excepting for the test-sample 2. The comparison of this sample spectrum with the bitumen one shows that only the representative bands of bitumen in and cm -1 regions are present in its spectrum. This sample did not undergo the extraction protocol.

For spectra from samples 3 and 4 dipped, degraded and extracted samples , the sharp representative bitumen bands and cm -1 could be suspected as shoulders on the broad peak centred in this spectral range and attributed to linen. The presence of this extra band is not explained at the moment, but is not induced by the extraction solvents no cm -1 band in the extracted modern linen. Because this band is only present in the spectra of embalmed mummies figure 5b and in the thermally degraded samples 3 and 4 figure 7 , it is clearly associated with the presence of bitumen in aged samples.

Test-sample 2, 3 and 4 steps 1, 2, 3 spectra have a shoulder at cm -1 and the double band characteristic of bitumen in the peak cm -1 is not clearly identifiable, but could not be excluded. On the contrary, test-samples 5 and 6 steps 1, 2 have IR spectra very similar to those of pure line spectra: To examine if the classical chemical pre-treatment ABA would provide an efficient cleaning, each test-sample has been shared in two equal portions: Besides, test-sample 8 step 2 is modern, which means that the solvents involved in the extraction protocol do not affect radiocarbon dates.

Finally, we note that whatever the test-sample studied, adding the ABA pre-treatment does not bring any significant cleaning. Summary of radiocarbon dating results obtained for the eight test-samples illustrating the potential bitumen extraction.

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Test-samples 3 and 4 are not modern so all bitumen has not been extracted; test-samples 5 and 6 are modern so all bitumen has correctly been extracted. On the contrary, test-samples 5 and 6 steps 1, 2 are modern: Third, test-samples that underwent all the experimental protocol and especially the thermal degradation are not modern, so bitumen largely remains on these samples.

We have also noticed that IR spectra of pure linen textile remain stable over time from First Intermediate Period to Hellenestic one. This suggests linen alteration over time would not be as a satisfactory explanation.

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Therefore, further investigations have to be conducted to clarify the presence and meaning of the infrared signature around cm -1 , which only appears on the IR spectra of the two embalmed mummies and on the impregnated test-samples that have been thermally degraded. IR analyses will be realized on modern linen textiles dipped in other embalming materials than bitumen oils, resins… and then, thermally degraded, to verify if the cm -1 band is present and being persistent for other organic substances adsorbed by linen.

To get a better understanding of the adsorption process of bitumen in linen fibres, a kinetic study will be done by ageing artificially both samples by time and temperature gradients. This study will be lead on three different kinds of samples: First, the present protocol will be improved by using hot solvents to increase their power. According to the radiocarbon results, other solvents will be added in the present protocol like pentane, benzene or carbon disulfide that solubilizes non-mineral fraction of bitumen.

Ancient Egyptian sources attest the possibility that embalmers employed bitumen for funeral rituals during the Late Period. A first experimental protocol has been developed to extract bitumen from linen textile, and tested on modern linen textile. It divides into four steps: Eight test-samples have been produced combining the four different steps of the protocol. Radiocarbon dates show that those test-samples dipped in bitumen and extracted without being accelerated ageing are modern, so they do not contain bitumen anymore.

On the contrary, the same samples, but which have been thermally degraded, are not modern, so radiocarbon contamination is remaining.

Consequently, the difficulty does not rely on the presence of bitumen, but on the process involved between bitumen and linen fibres over time. New experimentations will be conducted to more precisely characterize it, and then develop a powerful and complete extraction protocol. It will enable us to definitively date these two embalmed mummies and restore them into their cultural context, and then to extend this innovative protocol to the dating of Egyptian mummies embalmed with bitumen.

Radiocarbon date recovery from bitumen-containing Egyptian embalming resin. The infrared spectra of complex molecules. Radiocarbon 52 1 , p. Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates. Radiocarbon 51 1 , p. Complex organic chemical balms of Pharaonic animal mummies. Radiocarbon 49 2 , , p. A joint use of Raman and infrared spectroscopies for the identification of natural organic media used in ancient varnishes. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 41 , p.

Advanced discriminating criteria for natural organic substances of Cultural Heritage interest: Talanta , p.

Radiocarbon dating verifies ancient Egypt's history - BBC News

Infrared spectroscopy in conservation science scientific -tools for conservation. Non-destructive dating of ancient flax textiles by means of vibrational spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy 67, p. Studies in Conservation 51 , p. Studies in Conservation 48 , p. Victor Loret et Louis Lortet Harrel Lewan , The Biomarker Guide , Cambridge. Journal of Molecular Structure , p. IntCal09 and Marine09 radiocarbon age calibration curves, 0—50, years cal BP.

Radiocarbon 51 4 , p. Radiocarbon 46 1 , p. Radiography would help to definitively identify its nature. Contents - Previous document - Next document. Archaeological samples and modern linen textiles. Experimental protocol for chemical extraction. Radiocarbon dating of Egyptian mummies.

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Infrared spectroscopy analyses on mummies samples. Chemical Extraction — tests samples. Full text PDF 2. Zoom Original jpeg, 5.