A sugar daddy is a generous older man who spends lavishly on his mistress, girlfriend or boyfriend. He's often a businessman, who considers himself too busy for conventional dating - and isn't short of a few bob. A sugar baby, meanwhile, is normally an attractive younger woman who can't afford her luxury lifestyle. The couple will usually establish a financial agreement early on - as well as their boundaries, such as whether or not they're considering a sexual relationship. Some sugar babies ask for a monthly allowance, while other get 'expenses' in the form of glam holidays and shopping sprees.

While a growing number of sugar babies are university students, who turn to their 'daddy' to pay their fees.

9 Reasons Why Women Date Older Men

Mason accepted the friend request, spotting that they had some mutual friends. After exchanging a few messages, the pair agreed to meet up at the horror and pop culture convention, where Sarah was working, signing modelling posters and taking pictures with fans. From there, the relationship has escalated quickly with the pair saying "I love you" about a week into the relationship.

Mason even spent Christmas with Sarah and her parents — just weeks after they made their relationship official. A big problem for a young man is financial security.

But with older women, the bills are evenly split. This is a huge plus for a young man. Young men, especially. According to a man who is dating an older women, starting families is rarely an issue with older women:. They know themselves. They have so much more to offer and they are looking for different things. They are not just looking for guys who will be good fathers and providers.

This allows the man and woman to concentrate on the relationship and focus on their connection, rather than create a family and deal with all the stresses that come with it. And anyway, young men want to focus on their careers. Some men love the nurturing qualities that older women have.

Interestingly, a study found that men at a British university preferred women who had positive personality traits like openness, kindness, and assertiveness. This is extremely appealing to a young man who is only just starting his career and figuring out what he wants to do with his life. You know what tastes good and what nutritional needs a young man has. They know what they like, what they dislike and what they need to be happy. Gareth Rubin in The Telegraph says that men tend to love a woman that knows herself:.

This is great for a young man because no games are played. They already know if you like them or not. Being a young man, he has the world in front of him. There are so many things he wants to achieve, and with you by his side to guide him along the way, the possibilities seem limitless. And guess what? You want to keep on doing that! This is what you love about younger men. The older men who refuse to budge from stereotypical ways of living irks you to your core. Young men are willing to try new things, embrace new concepts and explore the big wide world. Life is too short to settle down in a boring job and not experience everything that life has to offer.

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A chiseled chest? A nice butt? A deep and meaningful sex session on a weeknight? Why not! In fact, a study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that women who dated younger men reported high levels of sexual pleasure and satisfication.

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They help you live in the moment and relish an upbeat, positive outlook on life. Maybe this is filling some sort of need to do with their own insecurities. You like strong, powerful and mature men. You like men who are confident and not afraid to say what they think.

You also believe in equality, which a younger men is more accustomed to. Being with someone who is younger, and more active and playful can bring out the young, happy-go-lucky attitude you. Dating younger guys opens up a much bigger pool of possible partners—which increases your chances of finding a great partner.

Why do younger men go for older women? | Metro News

This is why being open to a dating younger man gives you a wider array of options in the dating market. This means she has a great chance of finding someone she can connect with. Check it out here.