Dating in Your Target Language: The Bad

If you forget a word, he or she is going to know. If your partner comes from a different country, that usually means new food and a new culture.

7 Things That Happen When There’s A Language Barrier In Your Relationship

Both are great benefits in a relationship! You will will open up new perspectives on life as well as open your mouth and enjoy new flavors and spices. Anyway, before I smash my head on the keyboard for that horrible joke, below are a few things to be aware of when dating someone in your target language. Communication is crucial in any relationship. Having a foreign partner can lead to a lot of misunderstanding. When you speak your native language, you know exactly what you are saying and what it means. But when you are learning a new language, you often make mistakes.

Or maybe you say something that ruins your plans. For example, in Vietnamese, I used to mix up the days of the week. If your partner is too easy on you, you may end up not working as hard as you would if you had a class or a tutor. If they love you for who you are, they may not push you to learn more. When you go to a store, your partner is the pro. When you go to a restaurant, they do all the ordering. While this is convenient, it does NOT help you improve your language skills.

Learning from your partner can create an interesting dynamics between you the student and your partner the teacher. If your partner is not a certified teacher, they may not be confident and comfortable helping you with the language.

Multilingual Dating: Should I Date Someone Who Speaks Another Language?

Your partner may not want to be your teacher, so this could lead to a lot of problems as well. Below are the aspects of international relationships that can go both ways, depending on you, your partner and the situation. Personally, I find this fascinating. The more I learn Vietnamese, the more I understand Vietnamese culture and the more I understand my girlfriend. I understood the jokes, we sang songs together , and it got more exciting.

Multilingual Dating: Dating Someone Who Speaks Another Language?

This can be a bad thing, though. Sometimes you can learn things that you may not like. For example, the more I learn Vietnamese, the more I swear in Vietnamese. My girlfriend hates this. You may also discover some things about your partner only when you fully understand the language and culture. Maybe she wants to learn your native language, so you end up doing some sort of language exchange.

But again, do you want to be a teacher? Does she want to be a student? If she wants to learn your language, then how can you learn hers?

Language Barriers - How to Have Meaningful Conversations

Are you two going to compete? Is it clear what your expectations are? How many times can you call late at night with a language question? Now, this can be seen as a good thing, as your relationship will force both of you to develop patience with one another. But on another note, you could drive each other crazy. If you constantly ask questions and constantly make mistakes, it may be tough on your partner. Babysitters get paid for a reason. You may not agree with some of these points. You may be dating someone in your target language right now and have zero issues.

Please remember, not every situation is the same. Sure, dating someone in your target language may come with many advantages, but it can also be uncomfortable if you are not clear and honest. It might seem silly to try to read a book in a different language, but reading is one of the best ways to learn a new language.

Dating in Your Target Language: The Good

Reading a book allows you to see the language in action, rather than just word-by-word. Books will teach you all different aspects of the language, including grammar, sentence structure, and style. Avoid using your date as a constant translator. If you constantly ask your date how to say things in their language, they might start to feel a bit bored or even more like a tutor than a romantic partner. Try to avoid alienating them by consistently asking them to translate for you. Try to brush up on the basics ahead of time, and use your time together to try to establish your relationship.

That way, you can look up words on your own and better keep up with the conversation. There are also apps available for smartphones that you can use when you need to translate words from another language. These apps might be more handy than carrying a physical book. Use other forms of communication. Just because you might have difficulty with verbal communication, you can still interact with your partner in different ways.

There are types of nonverbal communication you can employ.

Use hand gestures and facial expressions to better communicate your ideas. A study found that vocal tonality and body language were better indicators of the emotion behind the words than the actual words. Be patient with one another. A language barrier can be a tough hurdle to get over, especially in a romantic relationship. Misunderstandings and difficulty having quick, easy conversations are normal when there is a language barrier. Be prepared for these things, and be patient when they arise.

Even simple discussions about where to go for dinner, or how your day was might end up taking longer than if you were speaking to someone who understands your native language. Like any relationship, being open about these things is pertinent.

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Cultural differences can lend themselves to unintended disrespect or offense. Make sure you speak up if you misunderstood, and help clarify things to your date if they have misunderstood you. Focus on clarity rather than eloquence. Even if your sentences have to be shorter and more concise, getting your point across should be the objective. Use short, simple sentences. Emphasize your words with gestures and facial expressions.

These kinds of actions might help fill in the gaps left in your actual words. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Be patient - it is hard to communicate when you are faced with an impatient person sitting across from you. Look for other ways to express an idea to get around a word you don't know. Describe something or act it out. Warnings Expect misunderstandings to happen sometimes even when you think you communicated clearly.

Both of you will be trying to figure out what the other said and so you'll jump at an interpretation that makes sense but may not be right. Article Info This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Thanks for letting us know.

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