I took the Myer-Briggs test six times and got the same result. I don't obsess over theories and although I get 's on my science and math tests,I prefer my advanced English class along with French. I just don't get it. An INTP is not just about math and science. The reason why we like theories is not because they're a part of a geeky stereotype, but because they "make sense.

We are a type that is described as highly introverted, analytical, and creative. While I love theories and math, I only like science when it's lab work or like cooking because it's like an art Add a bit of this, the recipe says this but you can add a bit more of this Trust me, just because one part maybe the largely misunderstood part doesn't seem to fit you, you sound perfectly INTP to me.

And, just something I forgot, on the "obsess over theories" part: We can be fascinated by them, study them, find passions in them, but, generally, we're a very ADHD type and can't keep our attentions on one thing for too long. We basically exemplify the phrase "hit it and quit it". An INTP can seem really cold at first to Feeling types, but if he is at least a little introspective he may be able to find little tips and tricks that help him communicate with a Feeling type. I would have to say that being with an INTP has been a lot of work for me.

I've had to progress and learn to understand him. I'm not sure I would have been able to do this if I had not been an Introvert. As far as I can tell, introverts are the best at being introspective and wanting to improve themselves and work on a relationship. I also happen to have a Rational father, and I think this also helped me a lot in my relationship and probably was part of the reason I was attracted to a rational.

So I guess what I mean is, don't give up. There is not "only" one personality type for you, although try to pick a smart woman capable of understanding their own shortcomings as well understanding as all the fantastic sides of being with an INTP extremely loyal, smart, give good advice, are good at business, etc.

I really enjoy reading all the posts here, and only just found out my personality type. I always said that I was theory without the practical. I'm 41, and was also raised in a very strict religious but abusive household.

5 Pros and 5 Cons of Dating an INTP Female – Youtopia Project

I was also told that I should take accounting so that I could help my future husband out by providing extra income while taking care of my many babies. My interest in literature, music, and anything else that interested me was squashed quite thoroughly - even though one of those interests was theology I have always had a strong interest in what learned people thought and figuring out what made people tick because that was mainly the province of men. When my father found out I was reading up on ancient religions and new age religion, he hit the roof.

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Now I understand why he said that I thought he was stupid. I didn't at the time, but this does give me a clearer understanding of where my problems have been. I can't say that I have been disappointed that I have been the one to teach my kids how to think, even if I may have difficulty dealing with emotional teenage angst. I still feel like I'm having it myself, but I guess that's due to my problem with authority. I'm married to an INTJ and he gets me pretty well. My brother in law and I have had some fascinating conversations and we are very similar in some aspects but we have also had some very nasty fights.

Now I'm sure that INTPs can get along with each other just fine but there is something to be said about the phrase "opposites attract". Has anyone seen the Seinfeld episode where Seinfeld dates a woman just like him and eventually questions why he was dating someone just like himself in the first place because he hated himself? I don't hate myself or my brother in law, I'm just trying to illustrate a point It helps me grow as a person to be around someone different from myself and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. It's also nice to have someone with you at parties that can easily strike up conversations with strangers!

Anyway, my point is that you should give other personalities a try.

INTP Relationships: The Secret To Understanding This Personality Type

You may find another INTP and be the best of friends one moment and want to kill each other the next. While I'm not saying I'm not hot stuff, I wouldn't exactly want to date myself. My youngest sister is an ENTP and we really think alike but there are times when we just want to strangle each other. I feel like someone of your personality type is best friend material, not boyfriend material. I guess we are taking this personality thing too far. I know we tend to have patterns in our behaviors but this 16 personality thing is far from been proven.

I really think we should just live our life and be free than allowing some test unconsciously shape our thinking processes. I would like to second those posters who don't restrict themselves to looking for a mirror image of their own personality type. Like most relationships half the fun is in the discovery, even after 15 years we still surprise each other. This post was old but I thought I'd comment. There are a few matchmaking sites out there that use the MB type.

I think one of them is project evolve but I think there are more out there.

How can I meet a female INTP?

Some sites don't use the MB type but I don't understand why not. Seems to me when I instantly get along with someone I find out I there is some sort of MB connection. Really nice conversations that just seem to flow. We're just friends but I thought that was an intriguing fact when I gave him the MB test.

He's the only person I know who can come up with ideas faster than I can and slips easily into concepts and ideas in a given conversation. That being said, the MB typing can be a bit over exaggerated and nothing is a guarantee for a perfect match between people. Everyone is different, but I do seem to have a lot of run ins with people who just take offense to me or what I say at times, and again, I do believe in the MB test as relevant and it offers reasons why this happens.

I can't really imagine it would be that interesting to have someone exactly like as me, in a dating scenario. And yes, the MB typing says we will.

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Lucky for me some people take the test and offer the information - but not my husband LOL. Anyway I find the MB typing funny, relevant and important all at once.

Overall I feel we are somewhat dictated by our genes, and the MB test is tapping into that part of our makeup. Good thing in this day and age people can find each other online and find out a few things beforehand. Of course, after all that, who can say what holds two people together.

I prefer to see it as somewhat of a beautiful mystery. I am an INTP male. Its a fascinating experience, at age of 7 i stood and starred at the wooden pole, i remember i was thinking what are the chances of me remembering this after 10 years? Not quite sure why. I'd say being with another INTP has it's challenges but me and my husband could not imagine being with anyone else.

We found each other at a coffee shop and probably would have never met if we didn't have mutual friends who knew each others mutual friends they introduced us, perks of having extroverted friends. I am a 57 year year old female. Dating while young was a disaster--that was all before I knew Meyers Briggs. Much less stress than dating. It would be nice to have a place where unicorns could meet together from time to time, chat, hike, bike, etc. Did you ever meet one?

I would love to talk to a female Intp just to see if two Intp's get along. I know it's an old question, but, I just can't resist. I just found out this year myself. I dunno, we don't go out much.

I wish I can find one in my area. All comments are moderated. Spammers will be fried and served on toast. Skip to main content. Comments Guest not verified says Guest not verified says ABrune not verified says Sparkly Hobos in a Hat not verified says Sounds like my kind of person. It's the same behaviour I exhibit mostly. Gius not verified says God, i hope someone on here knows what i'm talking about so i don't sound like a total pleb.

You can try a book store, or library Garry not verified says Darek not verified says Nia not verified says Rebecca C not verified says Girl of my dreams. Hey am an INTP male, 21 year's old. Interested in sharing your identity to me? Cindy not verified says C not verified says This is an example of introverted thinking when compared to extraverted thinking or extraverted intuition.

Their genuine compassion, high level of intelligence, and sincerity make INTPs incredibly appealing to partners. Furthermore, INTPs are always full of ideas, which often pleasantly surprise partners. They often feel shy and withdrawn, and are reluctant to get out and meet others. They are most comfortable with small, social groups of people they already know and love. One of their biggest fears is rejection or making themselves the center of attention. Rather, the INTP personality types will leave hints or clues for a potential partner, allowing them to make the first move.

INTPs enjoy their personal freedom and can work very well independently for long periods of time. Therefore, they are often reluctant to make relationships choices that would complicate their lives. However, their inferior function pushes them to surround themselves with people whom they love.