Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

1. You'll Get Distracted

You know what this person looks like naked now And why is he touching that girl's ass in Child's Pose!? After the first date they will either give you so much more attention on your mat that it gets awkward, or they will avoid your mat completely and offer you no help at all so no one gets "suspicious.

Your instructor is way too bendy for you… physically yes- but emotionally too. This will in turn make you look bad as all you will want to do is argue with someone who is sitting quietly and smiling at you while you run your mouth. Every conversation will go deep and end with a mantra, or will circle back to one of the 8 limb ideals.

3 Reasons I Won’t Date My Yoga Teacher

Because time is relative, and the universe has a plan for them regardless if it is 6: Our place on this planet is inconsequential to that of the buzzing universe that surrounds us, babe. Back massages will no longer be a thing. If you ever move in together, your house will be full of nothing but yoga mats.

No couch, no TV, no stove. Just yoga mats, floor to ceiling.

Yog teacher and yog student romance/teacher and student romance/ yoga romance

Scratch that — these mats will begin invading your own living space within about a month. You will no longer be able to grocery shop at the local at Out of nowhere they will be carrying around a red scarf that indicates no one can talk to them, or expect them to communicate with others in any way, shape or form.

3 Reasons I Won’t Date My Yoga Teacher | Shawn Radcliffe

This will inevitably happen at awkward times like when your parents are in town or when your boss invites you over for dinner. A yoga teacher cannot watch a movie without doing several hamstring stretches and spinal twists. Before you act, be certain what is driving your interest in your yoga teacher. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

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You may have reasons to ask out your yoga teacher, but here are my 3 for avoiding that. Email Print Share on Tumblr.

So….you want to date a yogi? A cautionary tale.

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