Do You Believe You've Met Your Soulmate?

They help you become the best possible version of yourself and if you happen to fall they will pick you up and carry you. They will fight your battles for you and defend you to the moon and back. Your soulmate is the definition of the best partner a person can have. So what's the difference between a soulmate and "the one"? Well, I believe there's only one person that is truly meant for everyone and that is their soulmate.

This is the only person who you will be the happiest with out of all of the other people on the planet. It doesn't mean that just because you don't find your soulmate that you can't be happy. I believe you can be happy with a lot of people. You could fall in love with someone and be truly content and happy with that person even if they're not your soulmate.

Sure, your connection may not be quite as strong as with a soulmate, but nonetheless you could still be in love. You would call this love "the one" because out of all your other relationships you chose this particular person to marry and have a family with.

When Your Soulmate is not Single.. It Might Actually Be A Good Thing

For you, this is your happily ever after and you stop searching for anyone else. The truth is, you can't really know what a soulmate connection is unless you've felt it. It's not something that is easy to describe. But once you feel it you will know what I mean. It's a feeling that is unlike any other.

That's why I said before that sometimes it's better not to meet your soulmate if you can't be together because it is way too hard to move on from that, impossible in fact. If you do meet your soulmate, it's best to do whatever possible to end up together for good. This type of connection only happens once in a lifetime and you simply can't let it slip away because it will definitely not happen again.

I think you can even know if you've met your soulmate from a photo you see of someone who seems extremely familiar to you. If you see a person's photo and you just can't get them out of your mind because it's like you know them or recognize them and feel an undeniable connection, then it might be worth it to check it out and see if you can meet them in person because this could be the soulmate you've been waiting your whole life for. In this modern world of technology we live in, our soulmate could be just a click away!

I think when it's time for soulmates to meet and they are meant to be together nothing can truly stand in their way.

Distance is never an obstacle. Circumstances could never interfere. Other romantic interests could never stand a chance against a soulmate connection.

Quick check in: Are you in a Twin Flame dynamic or are you just having an affair?

It's like it was written in the stars. An example of a soulmate connection that I can think of is the movie The Notebook. I think this is about as close to a soulmate connection as you can see in the movies these days. So why does a soulmate connection feel so familiar to you even if you've just met this person? I think it's because souls can recognize each other from other past lifetimes. Your mind may not remember it, but your soul does.

When You Meet Your Soulmate And They’re Not Single, It’s Actually A Good Thing | You Can't Break Me

When you meet your soulmate, you're feeling like you're finally coming home. It's like you've been away for awhile, but you're home now. Soulmates usually know each other in other lifetimes and have probably planned to meet in every lifetime, possibly even this one. Your true soulmate is the same age as you within a year.

What It Feels Like to Meet Your Soulmate

If you're female, and they're male they need to be older, even if it's just within a few days, but it's still within a year. So if my birthday is October 1, , my soulmate's birthday would be within one year of that so anywhere from October 1, to September 30, works. The male needs to be older because it has to do with how God created Adam before Eve and so the woman is created from the rib of a man which means the man needs to be created first.

So what happens if you meet your soulmate and it's just not meant to be and you don't end up together in this life? Well, that's a tough one. Like I said, it's better not to have met them than to have met them and had to part.

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You can't miss what you don't know but if you already know what a soulmate connection feels like then it's impossible to forget. I don't think anyone really moves on from a soulmate connection. Sure, they can get married to someone else and seem to have their life in order but they will always remember what true love felt like with their soulmate.

Losing your soulmate is like the one who got away times You will always compare every guy or girl you meet to your soulmate. You'll look for qualities in that person that you had in your soulmate. Sometimes, it even goes so far as looking for people who physically look like your soulmate that seem attractive to you simply because it's like a piece of your soulmate is in them.

That's why it is much better to stay with your soulmate if you meet them or not meet at all, because the other option is simply too much to handle. If you've met your true soulmate, life is pretty amazing for you. You have your best friend and your true love all in one package. Being in love is good for your health, but being in love with your soulmate is amazing for your health. What can you look forward to in the coming years with your soulmate? Great health, many long years together, and fulfillment in every aspect of your life. Are you a creative type that needs inspiration for your work?

Well your soulmate provides that and much more. You will never be uninspired or lack motivation again. No such thing with your soulmate around. Everyday you will wake up and be excited to live life. It won't really matter where you live because as long as you have each other that's all you really need. Nothing seems impossible or out of reach. If you have met your soulmate and you end up together in this life, you can consider yourself one of the luckiest human beings alive.

This is a blessing that very few know about and even less actually get to experience it. It's truly a once in a lifetime type of thing. And really, if you're going to fall in love, who better to fall in love with than the only person who was truly meant for you? No, you might be having a twin flame experience.

This is similar in some ways, but you're definitely not soulmates. What's the age difference and who's older?

When your Twin Flame is with someone else

You'll know it with every fiber of your being. There'll be no doubt in your mind about it. Just curious from another question somebody else asked, do you have to be the same age in order to be soulmates? Is it possible to feel and experience similar physical and emotional pain that my soulmate is undergoing, even though we're far apart? Unfortunately, he is also married I suspect unhappily but that hasn't been completely revealed yet. I feel with all my heart and soul that he is truly my missing half. I don't know if we'll ever get together but wish the universe would do that for us!

Is there any way to influence the universe His bday is December,12, and mine is April 12, Are we possibly soulmates? Could my soulmate be someone I barely knew 10 years ago but never forgot? Now we have met up and it feels natural and comfortable. I believe I've met my soulmate, but she is ten years younger. Could a past life have been cut short making this possible or have I not really met my soulmate?

I know who my soulmate is, but they are a celebrity and live far away. How will my distant soulmate and I ever reach each other? Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I met my soulmate 51 years ago. Everything you say is true except for one thingwe are 14 yrs, 11 mos. It is still as intense as it was 51 years ago.