There are a variety of issues that come up when teens want to date, so we will try to cover the when, what and how of dating here.

Teen Dating Rules

While some teens tend to be interested in dating earlier than others and girls tend to express their desires to date more vocally, all adolescents will move through this developmental milestone. Most experts tend to recommend that teens wait until they are 16 years old before going on a one-on-one date, but the maturity level of your own child is the most important criteria in making this determination.

At this age, it is best to allow your child to go out with a group of friends to public places, such as rolling skating, school sporting events, and movies. This is a great way to set the stage up for when they are dating seriously. Dating helps young people learn to get along with others, communicate, negotiate, make decisions, and learn to be assertive.

10 Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter

Talking about relationships in regular, everyday conversations lets you and your child talk about your family values when it comes to friendship, dating, and love. You can reinforce the values that concern dating and relationships by discussing them with your teenager and modeling them with your spouse or significant other.

Teaching your teen that values are important actually encourages your teen to look for dates with similar good values. Empower them to enjoy the journey of this new part of their life. They need to know how their body is changing, exactly what happens in the physical act of sex, and also your opinions and values about love and relationships.

Teen Dating Rules

When talking to your teen about dating, be sure to mention the difference between sex and dating. Dating is a time when two people are getting to know each other. Dating is not a step towards becoming physically intimate. Be clear that just because you are talking to them about sex, they do not have permission to engage in any inappropriate touching. One method for talking to your teen about dating is role playing. Dating can place new pressure on your child that they may not be ready to handle. Although this method might not work for everyone, you should try role playing what your child will say if their date suggests sex, drugs, or going to a place they had not agreed on earlier.

If you want to have sex, then you are dating the wrong person. Be sure to consider all of the issues related to dating and decide what rules you want to implement.

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You must set these rules before they go on any dates. Below are some examples of rules you might want to require:. Since teens tend to listen to your rules when they know the reasoning behind them, tell your child your feelings along with the rules. Also, keep in mind that sometimes writing down the rules is more effective than just stating them once or twice.

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Allow them to develop some of the rules with you. This is not the time to go over the rules and limitations of dating your teen. Teens are notorious for getting themselves into situations that they have a hard time getting out of by themselves. You will do so without any consequences to your teenager with the understanding that everyone makes mistakes in judgment. You simply want your teen to be safe. Make sure that you keep the doors to communication open during this new change.

Stay involved and attentive to what is going on. By setting rules with your teen about dating, you will help your child learn to make good choices and to build healthy relationships. Becoming Responsible , Social Skills Tags: Encourage your teenager to avoid sexually stimulating TV shows, videos, and movies when dating.

Setting Dating Rules & Boundaries with Your Teen

Also, be sure to talk about inappropriate internet and texting behaviors. Teach your teens to recognize manipulative language and reject such lines as, "If you really love me, you'll do this for me," or "You know we both want to, so don't act like such a prude. Don't allow your teens to date older persons. Teenage girls tend to have their first sexual experience with male partners who are three or more years older.

The Dos and Don'ts of Teenage Dating | WeHaveKids

For teenage boys, their first sexual encounter is likely to be with girls who are less than a year older. Be a smart parent and encourage your kids to date persons in their same age group. How to talk to your teen about freedom and responsibility. Have them date in groups. Encourage your teenager to hang out in groups. Or, talk with your teen about planning dates with a buddy or friend. Not only can double dates be double the fun, they also provide a helpful and safe partner for your teen, should one of them find themselves in a difficult or uncomfortable situation while on the date. Always meet and greet.

Insist that you meet the person dating your son or daughter each time before they go out.

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  8. This will establish the message that you are watching. Create and maintain an open dialogue with your teen. Check in with your teen on a daily basis and get a sense of their state of mind.