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While Normal being the highest and F being the lowest. Valve has not disclosed how these scores are calculated, but abandons , reports and commends seem to play a role. Account flags are represented as an integer value.

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Most players report having an account flag value of 0, 1 or 3. It is known that account flags with values 7 indicates that a 6-month ban is imminent on the account, but there is no known effect on matchmaking. Shadowpool is a status placed on an account that is typically assigned to players who have abused of exploits in the past. Shadowpool status is not reported anywhere client-side.

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The shadowpool status can either be permanent or temporary. However, this information can only potentially be revealed through a request to the Steam support. From Dota 2 Wiki. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion. Views View View source History.

Matchmaking ❤ Miracle- and GH ❤ Episode 14

This page was last edited on 22 October , at Dota 2 content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Valve or its licensors. This site is a part of Wikia, Inc. This function matches you or your team against AI-controlled bots.

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  • Matchmaking.

Settings allow players to be matched only with others who have selected the same settings. Selecting more settings can significantly reduce wait time , as the system will be able to search for compatible players from a larger population pool. Game Modes determines which modes you would like to queue for. Checking more game modes will increase matchmaking speed. Region determines which regional server you would like to play on. Checking more regions will increase matchmaking speed, but may cause latency issues if the server location is far away.

You can select up to 3 regions.


It is recommended that you only choose regions where the language you speak is the dominant language for that region, this is to avoid people reporting you from speaking another language this does happen. The language window allows you to select up to 2 languages. You will be matched with other players who have selected the same languages.

Checking more languages will increase matchmaking speed.

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If no languages are checked, you will be matched with the current language of your client. Players of roughly equal skill will be placed in the same game. Priority determines how quickly the player is matched with other players. There are 3 types of priority: