King of Swords Card Combinations

But once the King of Swords has made a decision, stubborn Taurus enters the stage. Those storm clouds behind him are calming down. His blue robe symbolizes divine love. The rich purple color of his cloak symbolizes wisdom.

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The King is not squeamish at all, when it comes to making tough decisions. He sees his job as restoring and enforcing order. As a teacher, he is harsh but fair. Yes, the King of Swords understands all the high-level theory, but he also knows how to present it in a down to earth manner. He has fought many battles, winning stellar victories and surviving crushing defeats. His wealth of experience has made him wise and practical, but also cautious — sometimes too cautious.

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  3. King of Swords Description and Symbolism?
  4. Wise and experienced, he generally chooses the side of goodness. Deciding to pull out.

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    Feeling flattened and defeated. Carrying past hurts or negative attitudes into relationships. Thinking you have gotten over someone but deep down the hurt remains. If bereavement is involved, then the slow acceptance of the loss of your loved one.

    Swords – Love and Romance Associations

    No, time to move on and leave that relationship behind. Caught in stormy seas. Moving towards stress instead of away from it. Reversed — Swimming Upstream. Continuing to rehash the same grievances and grudges. Stirring up deliberate trouble. It may be time for the relationship to sink or swim. Feeling the need to rock the boat in a stagnant relationship. Going back for more. You may have a habit of jumping from the frying pan to the fire when choosing partners. Perhaps you do not have any other understanding of relationships and deliberately seek conflict.

    Not having the courage to move on. Running away from your problems. Feeling trapped and helpless with no one to turn to. Being turned out of the home after infidelity is discovered. The need to live on your wits and be resourceful. Seven of Swords — Not a very positive card for relationships, mostly advising you to run away as fast as you can. Here we can see mind games in full swing and you would need to be very astute to keep up with the pace. Possibly sneakiness and very resourceful when it comes to making excuses or providing explanations.

    The King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings | Tarot Reading

    You might need to watch your back for all is not what it seems. Your power is being stolen by another, or you have given your heart to one who does not deserve it. This card can convincingly lie its way out of any situation. You may not be looking where you are going where your relationship is concerned and it is advisable to open your eyes before you walk into trouble.

    The Art of Holistic Tarot Therapy

    On the other-hand you or your partner may have a very good reason for sneaking around if they are trying to surprise you with a party or gift. This card can simply imply that you, the person your are interested in, or involved with, would prefer to be alone or stay single — The Lone Wolf Card. You or your partner is in the military. Not rising to challenges within your relationship. Reversed — An affair or infidelity may be revealed leaving you feel shocked and stunned.

    The King of Swords Tarot Table of Contents

    It may come as a blow to you and there could be a sense of disbelief. There accompanies a strong feeling of betrayal and some of it may be close to home. You or your partner may run away with another leaving a sorry trail of disaster behind you. Elopement can also be suggested. You may decide to look the other way, or overlook the infidelity of your partner in the hope that it will all go away. This card can also signal the return of a very remorseful partner, but can they be trusted?

    No again, this card brings little positivity to relationships unless it suggests you taking back the power that has been stolen from you. The battle to find Psychological Strength. The Destructive Power of the mind turned inwards. Giving away your power in a relationship. Eight of Swords — An unhealthy relationship. This is not love. Feeling trapped in a loveless marriage. There may be restrictions imposed on you by your partner. A lack of freedom in relationships. Control, domination and submission. Lacking the courage to leave or free yourself.

    King of Swords as an Outcome

    This card can carry serious intimidation concerns within relationships. Fear may be involved. Then again it may be all in your head as this card carries a rigid negative mindset along with paranoia. Drama and hysteria can leave you paralysed. No one has the power to control you in such a manner unless you allow them to.

    You have the key in your own hand. Reversed — Getting out of, or away from, a controlling and dis-empowering relationship. This relationship will have taken its toll on you and left its scars. It will take time to get over it. You walked into that relationship and stayed longer than you should. You need to ask questions of yourself as to how you let it happen. Why did you allow yourself to be treated in such a manner.

    Time to concentrate on fixing any misfiring negative thought processes or you will find a similar relationship in the future. Building on your self-esteem, self-belief and self-confidence is what is important now. This card can also imply your failure to free or save yourself. Things may have gone too far as fear of the outcome roots you to the spot. You must find the strength and not give-up without a fight. Take back your power. Yes, to freeing your mind of all self-doubt and lack of self-belief. The final painful stages of a failed relationship.

    Issues become very pronounced mental torment increases.

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    5. Nine of Swords — There is deep stress, upset or worry connected to this relationship.