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Virgo Woman — Pisces Man pisces , virgo.

Pisces Man Virgo Woman Compatibility

Pisces men rule the feet. I will have to explain in a later post about what I mean by this, but every Sun Sign rules a certain body part. So because these wise water signs rule the feet they tend to take good care of them. Both men and women Pisces love shoes for this particular reason. All women love shoes, but Pisces take it to a whole new level. This is why they are so good at giving compliments. He will love that she took notice, and of course being that these two are both mutable signs, he will immediately strike conversation with her.

He is obviously at this point a lot more interested in just her shoes. They will just talk… a lot. On a few more dates he will use his romantic Piscean charm to tell her how cold his large feet get at night and she will agree that she can never stay warm herself. Before you know it they will be spending every night talking and keeping each other warm in bed.

That cunning clever fish has no problem charming a woman right into his arms, or in this case his bed. They are one of the most romantic signs in the zodiac. I dated a Pisces for three years.


Our first date was a concert which is no surprise because Pisces men love the arts. They take you down the depths of their ocean with them and you lose all sense of reality and time. How that relationship ended is for a later post. After all this is about Virgo, but not even as cool as she is, this woman can resist the romanticism of this man. These two are on the opposite side of the karmic wheel from one another.

Just like how I wrote about Aquarius and Leo, they are naturally drawn to one another like two magnets. When she is alone with this man she will shock herself how she has such little control with her emotions around this man. These two are natural lovers, so sex will be something that unites them strongly together. It will probably be one of the only things these two will never fight about.

Her quiet and earthy passion will really excite him, and their love making never feels like something that is ever demanded. They are not only natural lovers but these two are not ones you would ever call selfish. That does not mean that these two are good at sharing. She will tend to find his spending habits repulsive at times. My ex used to buy rounds and rounds of shots for his friends.

He always paid his bills on time, but I always thought how much better that money could have gone to use.


You see in a Pisces mind, money has to matter. If it means everyone else around him is having a better time because of his generosity, he is a happy fish. A typical Virgo will find it immature that he just lends out or even gives his money so freely to friends and family. He will find her comments about this matter nagging and as though she is trying to take his freedom from him. Quite the opposite my Piscean man, she is just looking out for you. Unfortunately, these two things are very hard for a Pisces man to take. Yes, no man likes these things but a Pisces does not have the patience of a Taurus or the understanding of a Capricorn to handle these traits.

If he continues to feel like he is failing her, he will find a way to escape the pain he is sensing. Usually for him that consists of stopping by the local bar, or becoming distant by drowning himself deep into his dreams and emotions. Pisces are the dreamers of the zodiacs. There have been some of the greatest inventors and entrepreneurs to come from this sign.

This woman is extremely practical so she will realize what is going on right in front of her eyes. She will have to use her sensibility before it is too late to realize why she fell in love with this dreamy man. He had a magical way of whisking her off into his starry waters with him, and it made her feel like all of her dreams had come true.

Are Virgo & Pisces Compatible? - Zodiac Love Guide

Pisces are quirky like that. They like to lie about things that harm no one just for the hell of it. Remember that your Virgo lady with her clear eyes and loving intent, will listen to you and all of your thoughts and dreams until the sun comes up like no one on this earth will.

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  • Virgo Woman – Pisces Man?

Most Pisces are not the best at looking after their own interests; instead they please everyone else around them. A good and bad trait to have.

Pisces man Virgo woman

When things have cleared you can go back to driving. On their first anniversary she will remember the first time they meet, and maybe even gift him a brand new pair of the same shoes that brought them together. While eating at the same hot dog stand, t hey will talk again for hours about that day of fate. Donna Hayes on June 12, at Shameka Weaver on October 24, at 2: I wish you the best of luck!!! I stopped reading at "all women love shoes". Haley Vogel on October 27, at 4: Unknown on December 3, at 1: Both are quiet people, sometimes lacking in self confidence, and both have an interest in spirituality, alternative health and the mystical realms.

Both partners are also used to being treated like doormats by stronger, more domineering partners, and keen to avoid repeating that experience. Their shared compassion is something else they have in common. The Virgo woman lives to be of service to others , while the Pisces man just loves everyone and everything.

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Both partners are also good communicators. So far, so good. The Virgo woman is a very sensible and down to earth kind of woman. She worries a lot, just like her Pisces man does, but she has many practical skills and she is good with logic. She can provide the Pisces man with a safe harbor, which he very badly needs. The Pisces man, meanwhile, can teach the Virgo woman to embrace her emotions more, and to open up more spiritually too. In this way, Pisces man Virgo woman compatibility can be very beneficial to both signs. Cracks could start to show in the relationship, however, if the Virgo woman is too critical of her Pisces man.

She does have a tendency to nag. To be fair, she applies the same critical scrutiny to herself as she does to others, hence her own lack of confidence, but to her sensitive Pisces man a constant onslaught of criticism can be very wearing. She is a patient woman, being an earth sign, but even her patience only stretches so far.

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Overall, however, this can be a very healthy and constrictive relationship for both partners. Pisces man Virgo woman compatibility can be very enduring and sweet, and this is one opposite sign relationship which really does seem to stand the test of time.

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Pisces man and Virgo woman Compatibility

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