Why use ice cores?

Thermal diffusion and gravitational settling can be measured and analysed because the fractionation of air follows well understood principles and relationships between different stable isotopes namely, nitrogen and argon. Other major gases trapped in ice cores O 2 , N 2 and Ar are also interesting.

I. Methods of Dating Ice Cores

The vertical profile of an ice core gives information on the past surface temperature at that location[6]. In Greenland, glass shard layers from volcanic eruptions tephra are preserved in ice cores.

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The tephra ejected in each volcanic eruption has a unique geochemical signature, and large eruptions projecting tephra high into the atmosphere results in a very wide distribution of ash. These tephra layers are therefore independent maker horizons ; geochemically identical tephra in two different ice cores indicate a time-synchronous event. They both relate to a single volcanic eruption. Tephra is therefore essential for correlating between ice cores, peat bogs, marine sediment cores, and anywhere else where tephra is preserved[12, 13].

Biblical Dating #4 Ice Core Dating

Changes in sea ice concentrations can also be reconstructed from polar ice cores[14]. Ice core records of sea salt concentration reveal patterns of sea ice extent over longer glacial-interglacial timescales. Methane sulphonic acid in near-coastal ice cores can be used to reconstruct changes and interannual variability in ice cores. Mineral dust accumulates in ice cores, and changing concentrations of dust and the source provenance of the dust can be used to estimate changes in atmospheric circulation[15].

Changes in the dust emission is related to environmental changes in Patagonia. Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core. Nature , Oxygen isotope and palaeotemperature records from six Greenland ice-core stations: Journal of Quaternary Science , Recent Antarctic Peninsula warming relative to Holocene climate and ice-shelf history. Toward a radiometric ice clock: Quaternary Science Reviews , 30 Acceleration of snow melt in an Antarctic Peninsula ice core during the twentieth century.

Nature Geosci , advance online publication. Cold conditions in Antarctica during the Little Ice Age — implications for abrupt climate change mechanisms. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , Volcanism and the Greenland ice-cores: Earth-Science Reviews , 3: Quaternary Science Reviews , 27 1: A review of sea ice proxy information from polar ice cores. Quaternary Science Reviews , 79 0: Reconstruction of millennial changes in dust emission, transport and regional sea ice coverage using the deep EPICA ice cores from the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sector of Antarctica.

Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 1: Share this If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to the RSS feed to have future articles delivered to your feed reader.

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What kind of crushing and grinding does ice undergo over thousands of years? When bubbles are analyzed and you get your values, what exactly do those values represent? What about temperature, for instance? Does the data gathered represent the average for the entire year? What is the margin for error? What is the sampling rate for the graphs shown above? How many years of separation between the samples?

Could years of data have been lost to melting or sublimation? That means there is a bit of uncertainty around the exact age of the samples of atmospheric gas contained in the bubbles, as the upper few tens of meters of snow and firn is essentially open to the atmosphere. It also means that the ice surrounding the bubbles is older than the air inside. This is a primary area of research in ice core science. This really does allow close matching between modern measurements and old air trapped in the firn and ice below.

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An Australian group did this quite nicely at a place called Law Dome, on the coast of East Antarctica. You are right to be careful assuming that the carbon dioxide, methane, or other gases inside the bubbles might not be perfectly preserved. It turns out that they are quite well preserved, especially in Antarctica.

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These bubbles in ice are the ONLY way that actual samples of the ancient atmosphere are preserved. For instance, since the Greenland Ice Sheet is in the Northern Hemisphere with most of the exposed land on Earth, the ice there contains high amounts of dust. Minerals in that dust do interact with gases preserved in the icy air bubbles, so much so that carbon dioxide records from Greenland ice cores are very difficult to develop. Antarctica preserves much cleaner, clearer gas records because it is very isolated from any of the few Southern Hemisphere land masses and thus isolated from dust sources.

Ice core sites are picked very carefully to avoid too much complex ice flow at great depths, but there is always some. It is quite common that the bottom few hundred meters of deep ice cores m long cores are not included in climate records. Another relevant process occurs at depths greater than about m. Other things you mention are worth considering, and are considered by us icy scientists often. And, yes, especially in East Antarctica where snowfall is very low less than 5 cm per year , wind scouring and sublimation can remove snow from the surface, resulting in probably short discontinuities in the data.

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In, fact, data from most of these ice cores are archived in a few places. I remember when the Artic not Antarctic was being researched thru ice core samples. I think you human penguin guess at alot of data that you research. Without precipitation how would or could you even guess at what a year would be. Oh well theres a sucker born every minute i suspect. Many thanks for your comment. Precipitation was occurring throughout the last ice age and certainly throughout the Holocene last 11, years. You cannot build an ice sheet without precipitation!

It was drier in places, such as around the margins of the ice sheets, but there was still precipitation. Although archives of precipitation are generally more complex than temperature, thicknesses of annual layers in ice cores provide some good information on precipitation.

In places like the UK, lake and peat bog cores include microfossils which also provide information on past precipitation. In Antarctica, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has collapsed in the past. Please forgive me if this was answered in the article. Earlier I read another article on ice cores going back , years. Given your comments about evidence of ice fields collapsing, hope do you rule out total melt-off of an ice sheet? Would that not extend the time frame of the , bands, and add millennia to the core?

Secondly, the question was raised about the necessity of precipitation to create the bands. Is it not a stretch to think that an , year core might have a significant number of years without precipitation? Ice cores are taken generally from areas with the slowest-moving ice, such as at the ice divide.

Even here, it is difficult to find very old ice. However, there are now programmes underway to core ice that may be many millions of years old in the Dry Valleys e. I want to add it to my data ime drilling him with. Ive seen it in the past, its one of the easiest to understand for most people. Ive studied a lot of data, but most find it very hard going.

Ice Core Dating

Most graphs need a decent understanding of the science that not many people have. You have to keep things as simple as possible for most people. Ime arguing with my brother about manmade climate change. Hes no dummy[nor am i]. Hes very high up in the fire brigade here in Tasmania, but i cant make him see how illogical it is to believe that years of rampant FF burning and CO2 emissions have had no effect on the climate: As he puts it: I shudder to think whats going to happen when they get around to mining the methane hydrate and burning that!!

Any idea where i can find that graph?? Hi I am doing environment studies for building at Unitec Mt Albert Auckland NZ, just would like to know if the ice core samples that have been recorded are from the same altitude around the planet. The atmospheres would change the density of the samples and would like to know what the out come of the samples would return at different altitudes.

How are ice cores dated?

Ice cores are generally taken where the ice is thickest, meaning the top is the highest around and the bottom is the lowest they can find. Here the ice flow is slowest and the ice is ideally the oldest. That means it will be about two miles high in Antarctica, and over a mile high in Greenland. What the researches are interested in is the content of the bubbles—not their size or quantity.