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Few things make me feel more special than knowing when someone is thinking of me or goes out of their way to help me or check in on me. Make it a point to make contact with us. Texts, small handwritten notes, or unexpected pop-ins although not always welcomed at home are all acceptable forms of checking in on us. We think so often of others, that we will notice when the cards are reversed. It will hurt us if you make the insinuation that we are. Accept the fact that your world has collided with someone who absolutely loves people and shows genuine interest in just about everyone.

But also know that our loyalties run deep, and if we have chosen you, we will invest in you fully. ENFPs are very much all or nothing types. And lots of them.

It will take us quite a bit of time and some gentle prodding to actually open up to you. This is probably one of the most surprising things about ENFPs. While we come off as being incredibly warm and open, we can actually be very private. We rarely share personal things about ourselves with others. This is a juxtaposition of sorts, because what we crave most are meaningful conversations and interactions.

The clincher is that while we want to know ALL about you, we will often hold back in sharing much about who we are and what we need from the people we do life with. There is a lot going on in my heart and mind on an ongoing basis that I might never feel that I am able to process externally with someone I love, unless they ask the right questions. There are very very few people who know me deeply, and those who do have really taken the time to invest in me.

If you take any time to observe an ENFP, you will notice that they are usually focused on other people. Love us through the layers. Ask open ended questions to encourage us to dive deeper with you. ENFPs are external processors. What this means for the people who share space with us is that we are often coming to revelations about things while we are speaking. Some of the people I have felt the safest with in life have been those that I can sit beside and think out loud with. It is one of the ways we make sense of life and having someone willing and unassuming enough to help us by listening to us process is gold.

We are over-analyzers and we know that we have big personalities. Human connection is something ENFPs thrive off of and it is something we not only crave, but something we need to feel balanced. We need to know that you see us and appreciate us. ENFPs are people who need verbal praise often, especially from the people we care about. We need to know where we stand with you.

This is a difficult one to write about without seeming really needy. This is an area where we have the potential to feel the most loved, if your comments are sincere. I guess the best way to love us in this respect is to be cognizant of the fact that this really is a consistent need of ours.

Be specific in your praise and tell us when we do something that makes you grateful or proud. An ENFP friend of mine recently got out of a long relationship where the deal breaker was the difference in which she and her partner approached the speed of life. He was too regimented and she was too free and they had a tough time meeting in the middle. ENFPs go with the flow of life. We like not knowing where a day might lead us or what adventures we might find along the way.

Dating an ENFP personality type

Keep us on our toes. Be willing to go into a weekend or a vacation without having a schedule and surprise us by your willingness to seek out new experiences with us. Some of this probably stems from the steadiness we find in those types. ENFPs have a tendency to be all over the place, but once you really learn our patterns, we are actually very predictable. Still, we are idea people who often have our heads stuck in the clouds. We need the gentle grounding of a person who is reasonable, steadfast, loyal, and dependable. Hot and cold personalities are among the hardest people for us to connect with because we never really know what to expect or know where we stand with them.

If you are warm and friendly one minute and cold the next, we will take it personally. Be consistent, especially in your interactions with us. Knowing that we are an important part of your life validates our relationship and helps us know what to expect from you. Parallel play is known as the stage in development when small children play beside another child without engaging with them directly.

How to Date an ENFP

ENFPs are the most introverted of the extroverted types. Being so, we crave time alone to think, process, regroup, and reflect on current happenings and wonderings. While we love people, we can become easily overwhelmed or overstimulated and need quiet time to re-energize.

ENFP Love, Relationships & Dating

Especially at the end of a long day, there are few things that I love more than being beside someone who allows me to just be. Spend a Saturday curled up on the couch reading with us or in a coffee shop writing or getting work done. ENFPs need room to grow. More than most types, we see life as a journey and believe we are and should be constantly evolving through it. We are very quickly drawn to new adventures and ideas and while we do sometimes need to be pulled back down from the clouds, we also really value people who understand our need for consistent growth and new experiences.

We see them as opportunities to learn more about ourselves. Encourage our personal growth and hair brained ideas. Find opportunities to help us try new things. Sometimes we do need to snapped back to reality, but learn us well enough to know when to gently tug us back to earth and when to encourage us to spread our wings and fly.

So You've Fallen for an ENFP

We love seeing the world through the eyes of people we love. If there is something you love doing, take us along on the journey. It will help us to feel like we are seeing another side to you and we might also learn something about ourselves along the way. While this is really more about you than it is about us, anytime we feel like a person has opened up a piece of themselves to us, we take that seriously.

ENFPs throw our entire selves into life. We have a very difficult time separating who we are as a person from who we are professionally or who we are in a relationship. We really do want to be the best version we can be of ourselves and the only way of doing that sometimes is to know what we can do better. We are likely to do enough of that all by ourselves. There's still a lot I could do to further myself, but I'm already content with the amount of work I have. I am a real estate agent.

It gives me a nice balance of being around people and getting my alone time.

Dating an ENFP personality type | Futurescopes

I used to be completely extroverted and didn't have many waking minutes without people around me. My roommate and I would even fall asleep talking to each other in college It just took getting married and having children to want some time by myself!!! Whether it is doing comparative market analysis, looking for properties for clients, preparing clients files for showings and listings, writing contracts, following up with various people for each of the transactions I'm working on, etc. I have had to learn time management and some discipline for getting tasks done on time, but it has come more and more naturally.

I am personally loving it and I'm more fulfilled in this career than anything I've done in the past. Same here, I left my job to begin freelance writing career. But you need to put in a lot of work to get paid and income is also fluctuating. Besides working from home, I would suggest you to give tutions on any subject you are good at. You will feel fulfilled. I absolutely love organising and planning events and meet ups and work myself up to the day but when the day comes I just want it to pass already.