Importance of Zodiac Sign

The factors which are considered at the time of marriage are: Guna Milan is based on the position of Moon in the Natal Charts of bride and groom.

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The eight Kootas are:. There are total 36 Guna Milans in Ashtakoota. Let's check below how the scores obtained for above Gunas are effective for marriage purposes. Hence the scores obtained in Ashtakoota is seen through the above table. The match obtaining less than 18 will not be considered as an ideal couple and least recommended for marriage. In conclusion, one should keep another factors also in mind while recommending any couple's horoscopes for marriage purpose.

For horoscope matching, other factors like Manglik Doshas, longevity of partner, financial standing in the society, emotional stability etc. Kundli Matching of bride and groom will let them know how stars will influence their marital life and what can be the remedial actions to cure such obstacles. Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: If you don't know birth details then use this horoscope matching by name Name Horoscope Matching.

Your zodiac or Moon sign marks the greatest impact on your life and identity in Astrology. You were born at a certain time with the certain placement of Moon in your horoscope. You are classified under one of 12 zodiac signs. Every zodiac sign has its own particular arrangement of qualities, challenges, states of mind, patterns, connections, relationship and more.

Every Zodiac sign also shows compatibility with other Signs. Here we will discuss about the uniqueness of each zodiac sign and its compatibility.

Your "zodiac sign" is so vital, yet it's only one of the signs that make YOU up! The Moon is only one and major key planet in your Birth chart - each key planet in our solar system affects you, and is related with a particular zodiac sign. So while you have one indication of the zodiac sign showing Moon's placement at the time of taking birth, you have another sign that shows your feelings placement of Moon at the time of birth , your love life the placement of Venus , and much more!

All those people who have taken birth on Earth under one Moon Sign exhibit different characteristics. They all are not same in terms of their feelings. Everyone has different birth chart, which impacts them accordingly. The compatibility between people also comes into play in that. Not everyone have good compatibility with every sign. Sometimes, we believe that opposite nature attracts each other. If you have interest towards Astrology and ponder where you should explore its various fields, it is great to begin with finding out about characteristics of 12 zodiac signs.

Learning about their tendency, advantages and difficulties will help you significantly in any further mysterious research, as you begin finding the universe of planets and houses set in these signs. Zodiac sign depicts the divisions of the Zodiac belt into 12 equal parts, beginning from the point where the Sun is located at the starting of Spring. It indicates that no sign can be defined through any constellation, but by pure geometrical approach based on the seasons of the year.

Your Moon Sign Soul Mate

Each Zodiac sign is of 30 degree in longitude and represents the beginning, the continuity or end of any season. Hence Spring begins in Aries , bloom in fixed sign Taurus and slowly ends in Gemini, followed by the next movable sign to represent the first breath of summer- Cancer. The nature of the signs considers their character and all that they bring to the table to us through planets or house cusps found inside them. At the point when a specific quality joins with one of the four elements, a particular nature is born with unique temperaments. Every sign shows unique state of mind, bundle of desires, and feelings in connection to other individuals, oneself and life.

This is the reason our Moon sign will inform a great deal concerning our character and will, while inside and out individual elucidations demonstrate every human as a one unique individual, with various qualities associated into one entire, not quite the same as all others.

Astrology depends on planetary positions anticipated to the ecliptic belt at the time of birth. It is an interpretation of the picture of the sky and enables you to make sense of one's feelings of dread, defect, tastes and characteristics. Finding about each Moon sign encourages us to comprehend the idea of each sign itself and makes it simpler to set up a decent reason for any kind of individual birth chart analysis. Regardless of which heavenly body is in a specific sign, knowing the sign's qualities through the moon sign will enable us to associate any planetary nature with it.

To begin seeing every individual sign's temperament, it is wise to begin with understanding the element. There are four fundamental elements in nature - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Every single one of the twelve indications of the Zodiac has a place with a specific element, and every one of the components speaks to one type of vitality that we have to feel and construct our character on. It is right that no person on earth can predict the future.

However, It is important to keep in mind that the role of astrology isn't to make the prediction in most simple way. Its main motive is to help one understand their own personality better, with all of its shades and colors. It allows us to recognize our brighter and darker side, weaknesses and strengths and use them for our own well-being and those around us. Astrology discovers its establishment in the law of synchronicity, implying that it depends on the way that numerous levels of presence harmonize with each other and entwine in their implications and appearances.

Precision of forecasts in Astrology is reliant just on one's receptiveness and the capacity of the human mind to decipher the greater part of the numerical, geometrical imagery that goes beyond our understand capacity and into a circle of the obscure. When you begin watching Natal Chart with genuine profundity, it turns out to be evident that human mistake is the main blunder in the manner in which it works. As a pseudoscience, astrology is regularly connected to superstition and this isn't amazing when you understand that there is no channel in one's education or intellectual abilities that would help enhance its general picture.

The greater part of the data we get from media is shallow, best case scenario and as a rule unwarranted and unscrupulously composed or said. The genuine value of Astrology stows away in its clarification of the way the world "works", helping us build up designs that ought to be changed, and comprehend that there is no such things as incident. In humans lives, everything single events happen for a reason, and in the event that we just utilize astrology to become aware of this fact, it has effectively done as such much for us.


If you are a Sagittarius, your ruling planet is Jupiter and your element is Fire. This unique combination of your ruling planet and element gives you an equally unique set of personality traits. You are cheerful and optimistic; you enjoy taking risks. A philosopher by nature, you are always in pursuit of the 'new'. You can build a great rapport with Gemini, but your relationship with Taurus or Cancer may not work well. You can live in harmony with Libra and Aquarius.

A moon in this sign of the zodiac implies that you are a Capricorn. You are ruled by the disciplinarian Saturn and your element is Earth. You can get along with Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. You crave for sensitivity and understanding, which Cancerians can offer and hence, your relationship with them can work well. You can share a harmonious relationship with Pisces.

However, you do not make a very good pair with Libra. If you are an Aquarius, your ruling planet is Saturn and your element is Air. You are intellectual and independent. You are honest, idealistic, and always ready to help others. Moreover, you are a perfect humanitarian.

Zodiac Signs Compatibility

Having similar temperaments, you may not make a brilliant pair with Aries. You are not considered compatible with Taurus and Pisces. The calm and cool Aquarius can make a fairly compatible pair with the aggressive Leo. Being considerably different from Pisces, your relationship with this moon sign may not be a success. You are ruled by Jupiter and your element is Water. Being a Pisces, you are calm and gentle and turn out to be wonderful friends. You are often indecisive and very submissive by nature.

You have a creative bent of mind and are constantly in pursuit of making the world a better place to live. You cannot be considered compatible with Aries, Libra, and Sagittarius. You can have a wonderful relationship with Scorpio and a fairly compatible one with Virgo.

More Compatibility for you

Your personality traits compliment with those of Taurus; you both can make a good pair. If you are finding a partner for yourself, you can check if your moon signs are compatible with one another and confirm whether astrology proclaims that you will make a perfect pair. However, it is not feasible to first study astrology and then 'decide' whether you should fall in love with someone or 'fall out' of it!

When you truly love someone, you accept him with his flaws, and your understanding and respect for one another makes you work towards making your relationship a success. Moon Sign Compatibility Chart. Predictions By Moon Signs: Planet Saturn in Vedic Astrology. Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility. Pisces Woman and Cancer Man Compatibility.