Help me please

Three years is actually quite a small age difference compared to some people in this world. As long as you both love each other for who you are, then there shouldn't be any problems. However, with sex, you should wait since having sex at 15 isn't exactly legal. Other than that, you should be completely fine! If both of you are okay with the age difference, then don't worry about it. My girlfriend is approx. Is ok if I'm dating someone 3 years older? OK my boyfriend is 3 years older than me but I love him to death. I take control when he wants to go farther and I don't. I'm 15 and he's Can online relationships really work?

What does it mean to be someone's Valentine? What's your top 3 Relationship Deal breakers? But depending on your own social habits, hearing people say or worse, hearing that they told someone else something negative about your relationship can wear a person down.

Is ok if I'm dating someone 3 years older? - GirlsAskGuys

Find your inner Madonna and come up with a good comeback to use on the fly with rude people and ways to stay secure in your new fling. You need to be really clear about your goals — both professional and personal — and hash it out with them. If someone is still figuring things out, it might not be time to sign a lease together, or even be totally exclusive, just yet.

You might find that a younger partner does want to get serious right away or that every fight seems like the end of the world.

A younger partner might be harder to break up with because of this. Try to be as diplomatic as possible. I would talk openly with him to be sure he is as "there" in it as you are, and wants the same things for the future.

7 things that could happen when you're dating someone younger than you

You dont want to get hurt. Hi i need advice from someone please, i feel so frustrated with the relationship iam in now, there is 16 years difference between. Hi Purple a friend of my fathers, at 50, fell for an older sister of a schoolmate of mine she was Of course there were ructions when her parents came to hear of it and his sisters weren't too pleased either. He had never married and of course they thought he was a bachelor for life. But the two of them married and a happier couple you'd be hard pressed to find.

They have 4 lovely boys. He's 60 now - claims his wife and boys keep him young and do you know the age gap to look at them looks younger now than it did when they were dating.

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But then he's very fit and he has a young outlook - if you know what I mean, he thinks young and has a great spirit and sense of fun. And he's as proud as punch of his family. I don't think too many people would be happy if their 17 year old daughter was having sex with a 60 year old man.


If the younger party is about 25, they should have the sense to decide for themselves, good luck to them. It depends on what you both want out of the relationship.

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You need to look at the practicalities of it, IE. A 70 yr old man and a 20 yr old woman could have a happy relationship but if if a child came would the old fella survive long enough to see the child leave school? It seems logical for us women to date men 30 years our senior - at least that way we will be at the same level of emotional maturity as them!!

Ok now I know everyone is going to start shouting sexism but hey I just wanted to inject some humour on this sunny day: If you are happy and he treats you well then that is more than half the battle. I have learned this the hard way, that an unhappy relationship can engulf you and destroy your life so if you love each other and you are happy then celebrate!! Age IS just a number!

Hi Amada, it is wonderful that you have found love, age gap notwithstanding. You don't mention your age or his, but perhaps your parents concerns centre around things like potential health problems as your guy ages or perhaps difficulties as regards having children depending on his age - presuming of course that you want children, not everyone does. One thing would concern me, tho'. You mentioned that he has joined a particular church, so I'm guessing that he either wasn't religious before or changed religion.

I would say, make sure this doesn't become a source of division between you. Religious beliefs can have a deep impact on relaitonships and where both parties don't agree this can have a negative effect. Also, you mentioned that the congregation prayed that he would find someone and when he did, they didn't care so long as she would take care of him.

Age difference in relationships.

If you relationship is based on you "taking care of him" then this is not a relationship of equals and healthy relationships have equality as their base. Of course it may be that hre also takes care of you, in which case, best of luck for the future.

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  4. Haters gonna hate..
  5. 2 years are nothing compared to other couples.
  6. Is ok if I'm dating someone 3 years older?;

I'm in a relationship with a man 30 years older than me. I think the age gap was a problem, but I no longer find it an issue. We've been dating 7 months now I'm the happiest I've ever been, and you may find it hard to believe but, im in love. My parents have issues, I guess they just don't want their little girl dating an older man, but I won't give him up.

I still talk to my parents and I really hope they come around. I think we were both surprised by the amount of support we got from members of his church. But then again he's been a member there for 3 years or more and several of them prayed that he would find someone.