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Do you constantly feel like you're walking on egg shells in your relationship?

Control Freaks & Abusive Men

Are you always afraid of what might make him explode? Time to face it, you could be dating a control freak. When it feels like the fun is being sucked out of your relationship it's time to reassess, because love is are supposed to be fun, not leave you feeling like you can't be yourself. Here's how to spot one and what to do about it. Controlling guys can't bare the thought of not knowing where you are and what you're doing. They must know NOW. If your man's calling you off the hook, texting 'what are you doing? Getting angry when you're out with the girls or freaking out when he hears you say another guy's name are tell-tale signs that your man has some major jealousy issues.

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Get out now or deal with it forever. Do you and your man share a routine? Do you know what dinner is - a week in advanced? Do things feel repetitive and boring? Control freaks don't do change well - keep an eye on this. Paranoia at its best. Don't forget, there's a difference between being close to your partner and completely smothering them.

CFs have a tendency to be pretty damn condescending. They put others down to make them feel better about themselves, giving them a sense of control knowing they can influence the way you feel. If this sounds like him, we suggest you take a swift exit. Controllers have opinions for everything and anything. Over time, you learn to just go along, which unfortunately trains the controlling man to tighten the reins. They don't like what you're wearing or how you speak. They always find the error or flaw in your successes. I'm only trying to help you. By using subtle negative comments or overt criticisms, these men attempt to put a wedge between you and the people you care about and who love and support you.

Without a support network of friends and family, you only have this man to turn to, and he wants to make sure you pay full attention to his needs. A controlling man uses love as a tool for manipulation.

6 Signs Your New Guy Is A Control Freak

He knows you crave love and affection, so he doles it out based on what he wants from you. He withholds sex because you spent the day with your sister. He gives you the cold shoulder and the steely-eyed glare because dinner was served too late. He uses these methods to train you like a puppy. When you obey, you get a treat. When you disobey, you get nothing — or worse.

Guilt-tripping is a favorite tool of controlling men. They find your emotional Achilles heel and play you like a fiddle once they do.

Caring, sensitive people don't want to feel like they've caused someone pain or anger, especially someone they love. They want to get back into their loved one's good graces. This is fine if the guilt is merited, but with a controlling man, it rarely is. They will find a way to make you feel bad about something you didn't do or have no responsibility for, and you'll do just about anything to escape that guilty feeling. Controlling men have a masterful way of making you believe you are responsible and that only you can make things right by doing his bidding.

They want to know where you are going when you'll return, who you are texting, what you are saying, and every plan you are making. They will look through your purse, snoop through your email, sneak peaks at your phone, and rifle through your stuff. They feel they have the right to know everything about you and believe you have no right to privacy. They are looking for ways you might be exerting control over your own life. If they find something that potentially undermines their control, you'll hear about it.

Part of their snooping and isolation efforts come from feelings of intense jealousy. At first, their jealousy is appealing because it shows how much they must love you, but over time it turns dark and twisty. They are constantly suspicious of your motives and actions and view the most innocent interactions as flirting. They want to control any interactions you have with others because they are paranoid about your straying away.

If you express an opinion or belief, they will shut you down or ignore you. Nothing you say is relevant unless you echo your controlling partner's exact opinions or thoughts. He will dominate a conversation, interrupt you, or make snide comments about what you have said. If you try to point this out to him, he'll dismiss your concerns or turn the tables to make you feel guilty or wrong.

If you want to be alone, he'll barge in and demand your attention. If you want to talk, he'll turn on the TV and ignore you. If you're tired, he'll complain he's hungry and needs dinner right now. If you need a hug, he'll tell you to get a grip.

10 signs of controlling men that you might recognize in your husband or boyfriend:

The idea that you have individual needs beyond responding to his needs rarely occurs to him. If it does, he uses your needs as a tool for manipulating you. Controlling men can be relentless in their tactics. They will argue until your eyes roll back in your head. They'll steamroll you with their demands ad nauseam. They can turn the screws of guilt so tight you'll beg for relief. Most controlling men have much more stamina for their shenanigans than you have the energy to put up with them. This is the perfect scenario for the controller.

All me, all the time. If any of these controlling behaviors are familiar in your relationship, and you see them happening on a regular basis, well, I'm truly sorry. It's hard to have your hopes and dreams dashed by the insidious poison of a controlling boyfriend or husband.

In answer to 1, if you are not married to this person or otherwise committed financially, with children, etc. Get away from this person as fast as you can. It isn't impossible for a controlling man to turn things around and learn mature, loving relationship skills, but it doesn't happen often, and it requires some serious self-awareness and counseling. If you are just dating this guy, why waste time waiting around to figure it out when you can cut bait and find someone who isn't controlling?

If you are married or living in a controlling relationship, it is much harder to end the marriage , especially if children are involved. Aside from the practical reasons for staying in the relationship, there are many conflicting emotional considerations such as fear, low self-esteem, and an unhealthy attachment issues. Here are some ideas:.

Rebuild your support group of friends and family. Let a few trusted people know what's going on with your partner, and tell them you need their support and listening ear. If you can't find someone, hire a counselor. You'll probably need one anyway to help you navigate your feelings. State your case calmly with your partner. Give some examples of what you are talking about, how the behaviors are damaging your relationship, and how they make you feel.

He will surely argue or defend himself, but at least you have put him on notice that you're on to his shenanigans.

1. He wants to know your every move

Be sure you keep your cool even if he starts to get angry. During your conversation with your partner, ask if he'd be willing to go to a couple's counselor to work on your marriage. A good counselor will quickly figure out what the problem is. If you see any positive changes in your partner, be quick to acknowledge and praise them. Set some new boundaries for yourself. For as long as you remain in the relationship, protect yourself from further emotional abuse by this controlling man.

You may not be able to stop his controlling behaviors or words, but you can stop how you react to them. Your guilt trips will not work with me any longer. If you tell your partner your plans or make a decision about something, and he is unhappy or tries to control you — don't give in as you've done in the past.