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I said yes and it's been two years. Nov 11, 5 6. If you are above 25, then 2 years is the max you should tolerate without being engaged or married. Not worth dating any more especially if you want to eventually settle down and have kids. Since it takes few months after break up to date and meet new folks. Then again invest years in new person.

After age 30 dating pool shrinks exponentially. I dont think the dating pool really shrinks. Probably shrinks for women but men should be fine. Nov 10, 3 3. This is terrible advice. Talk about your expectations.

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It's the only way to have a healthy relationship. Nov 10, 5 0. Be confident, straight forward and show sincerity. Women appreciate the boldness and it makes us feel safe.

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Nov 15, 4 0. Wait at least 2 months or until you know that you both are compatible. Just focus on getting to know eachother Nov 10, 4 0. Some people are uncomfortable with labels in general, but not necessarily the monogamy part. Nov 10, 3 0. Let the woman move things to be more committed or at least broach the subject first.

How long did you date before becoming bf/gf?

Just tends to work out better that way. Nov 10, 2 0. Nov 10, 1 1. Nov 11, 1 0. Nov 11, 0 1. It's good to make sure both people are on the same page. He wants to open presents with you on Christmas morning. He wants to go on a trip to Mexico with you. He wants to introduce you to the rest of his family. He's excited about those things! He might not be picking out baby names or planning your wedding, but he is looking forward to the future. And when he thinks about his future, are you in it? He's not going to waste his time making something official with you if he can't see you in his future, at least for the next little while.

One fear guys have when they ask the girl they're dating to be their girlfriend is how that will change their relationship. Are you suddenly going to start checking in on him and demanding he spend time with only you? Are you going to force him to stop talking to other women?

How Many Dates Should You Go On Before Making A Relationship Official/exclusive?

Are you going to stop shaving your legs or wearing a bra? Men are scared of change. Some guys have to go through the worst case scenario in their mind. They've seen their buddies go from fun and outgoing bachelors to totally whipped boyfriends and they don't want to be next. If you think your guy is struggling with this, assure him that there won't be any huge chances.

And all of the little changes will be for the better.

He'll still get to be his independent self, just with you by his side. Does your guy have the time to be your boyfriend? Is he able to commit to texting all day long, phone calls every night and dates every other night? It's a big commitment! Playing the field might take more work up front but you can slack off for a few weeks and it doesn't matter at all. When you're single, you don't have to worry about texting someone, calling them, going on dates, remembering their birthdays, buying gifts or anything like that. You just do you.

Here's How Quickly Couples Are Becoming "Exclusive" — And Why It's a Good Thing

But being in a relationship does take time. If he likes you enough, he'll make the time for you, even if he's super busy with work or other things. If he says he's too busy, he's not worth it. Your guy is going to feel a lot more bonded to you if the two of you share something personal. Maybe he told you about his dad who passed away and you two hugged while he cried a little bit.

Manly tears, of course. Or maybe you really opened up to each other about your dreams of starting your own business, even though you've never shared that with anyone. Those personal connections mean something to your guy, just like they mean something to you too. Sure, you two can be really physically attracted to one another and share lots of laughs on your date. But if you don't have a serious connection, there's no point. He's not just looking for someone to date anymore, he's looking for a girlfriend. Are you someone who is going to support him and have his back?

The commitment-phobe in every man is going to trigger this question. Is your relationship moving too fast? Is it way too soon for these boyfriend and girlfriend labels? Maybe you're reading this list on your way home from you first date. In that case, we invite you to take the above GIF to heart. But maybe it's not. Maybe you two have been going on dates for a couple of months now and you still have no clue whether or not you're officially an exclusive couple. It's driving you crazy! You're not sure whether you should still be on Tinder.

You're not sure if you should ask him to come over for the holidays. You have no idea what to call him when you run into someone you know on the street.