Advanced applications of RSS are demanding richer respresentation of relationships between intra- and inter-channel elements e. Backward compatibility with RSS 0. The following is a basic sample RSS 1.

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The 12 months since version 0. RSS is being called upon to evolve with growing application needs: The crux of the difference between RSS 1. Namespace-based modules allow compartmentalized extensibility. This allows RSS to be extended:. Metadata is data about data.

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  7. W3C Interest Group Note 29 September 2005.

While there is no dearth of information floating about the Web, there is precious little description thereof. The possible uses of the Web seem endless, but there the technology is missing a crucial piece.

Missing is a part of the Web which contains information about information - labeling, cataloging and descriptive information structured in such a way that allows Web pages to be properly searched and processed in particular by computer. RDF allows for representation of rich metadata relationships beyond what is possible with earlier flat-structured RSS.

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Syndication is here defined as making data available online for retrieval and further transmission, aggregation, or online publication. The specifics of the various intricacies of syndication systems free vs. The core of RSS 1. Backward Compatibility with RSS 0. While ad hoc extensibility is of course encouraged, it is hoped that a core set of agreed-upon modules covering such functionality as taxonomy, aggregation, Dublin Core, etc will emerge.

See the Modules section below, as well as the registry of core RSS 1. One restriction imposed on sub-elements of top-level channel, image, item, and textinput elements [ 5. This proposal only constrains the immediate sub-elements. Any further depth of rich content or repeated elements is already well-defined using RDF syntax. Encoding While RSS 0. XML reserves certain characters for markup. In order to include these in an RSS document, they must be replaced by their entity reference:. The following two entity references are also recognized by conforming XML parsers. While common, their use is optional.

Internet Relay Chat IRC allows near-real-time feedback and clarification as well as the clarity of written text and a chance to reflect at least a few minutes to digest one message and compose another, but only if all parties can devote their attention at the same time. We use an archived mailing list, www-rdf-calendar w3. We also conduct a form of meeting over IRC, called with advanced notice of a week or so, where some conscious effort is given to agenda management, due process for decision making, follow-up on actions, and the like.

We have given the name ScheduledTopicChat to this collaboration pattern. RdfCalendarMeetings serves as an index of meeting records.

RDF Primer — Turtle version

At a glance, converting iCalendar data to RDF is quite straightforward; in iCalendar terms, an event is a component with various properties:. The terms Vevent , uid , etc.

The Vevent element is dominated by an element with namespace declarations:. The result is that the element name Vevent is short for a full URI http: There was some discrepancy among implementations as to whether this was good data; mozilla did not seem to accept it, but this was reported as a bug and indeed, section 4.

The Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object is a collection of calendaring and scheduling information. Typically, this information will consist of a single iCalendar object. However, multiple iCalendar objects can be sequentially grouped together. So we decided to drop rdf: Syntactic position in RDF only tells the "part of speech," i. We decided to use ical: We have explored using the iCalendar uid property to make URIs for event components It's not clear whether events in separate files bearing the same uid should be considered identical or merely different views of the same event.

For example, if they are identical, they have the same alarms.

Status of This Document

One approach that seems to work well is to use the uid as a fragment identifier rather than as a full URI. While these examples suggest that the mapping is straightforward, they also demonstrate one of the early issues: In iCalendar, component and property names are case insensitive and conventionally written in all caps. In addition, the established convention is that RDF class names are capitalized and RDF property names begin with a lower case letter, and both use camelCase to join words.

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  • The first attempts to convert iCalendar data to RDF were perl scripts of a hundred lines or so that just manipulated the punctuation. But this approach breaks down when the punctuation of a property depends on the name of the property p. Soon it became clear that there were details beyond capitalization that varied from property type to property type; the conversion process needed information from a schema. At the workshop , we agreed to work together on a shared RDF Schema, that is: After consideration of preserving the investment in each of the existing iCalendar schemas, it seemed the data that referenced them might have been composed with an expectation that those schemas would not change.

    We chose a new namespace name, http: The issues around managing changes to an RDF schema are similar to managing changes in other documents: We chose a process that is reasonably simple and has proven to be quite robust and scalable: The regular structure of the iCalendar specification, with components and properties, suggests declaring corresponding RDF classes and properties in an RDF schema should be straightforward. But an attempt to do it manually hybrid. We explored using rules to generate a schema from our example data. Rules such as "if something is related to semething else by?

    P is a Property" and "if something is a? C is a Class" can be expressed in Notation3 rule syntax:. This approach worked to enumerate the classes and properties we were using in our test data, but it did not provide important schema information such as value types. A python program, slurpIcalSpec. An XSLT transformation, webize This approach does not produce schema information for the component property discussed above , nor for properties such as interval and byday used in recurrence rules.

    Those should be added in due course. This remains an open issue. Another python program, compDecls. The iCalendar syntax allows extension tokens in a number of places.

    What is RDF?

    Ideally, we would like to ground these extension tokens in URI space as well, but none of the approaches we have tried is completely satisfactory. One approach was to specify a namespace for x- tokens on the command line, at conversion time. The drawbacks of this approach are. We decided to institute an ical product registry. When we found some extensions used by some product, we would publish a schema for those extensions using a URI starting with ' http: The drawback of this approach is that it does not seem to be worth the trouble.

    In practice, we seem to be more content to just disregard the extended properties. Handling extensions remains an outstanding issue in our test suite Now that we have explored the schema and extension tokens, let's look at the calendar data itself. Consider the case of a shop with regular hours. Contemporary directory services provide telephone numbers and street addresses, complete with automated driving directions.

    The RDF namespace xmlns: The RDFS namespace xmlns: The recommended file extension for RDF files is.