What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?

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For we are the temple of the living God. Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.

Dealing with Theological Differences in Christian Dating and Marriage

Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. The multi-racial, multi-faith, all-embracing, non-discriminatory society which today enjoys such high acclaim, is disdained by God. He calls it 'adultery' when people turn from Him or from His people. He forbids the mixing of gods, faiths, and ideas.

Communicating in Cross Cultural Marriage | ChristianToday Australian

He prohibits miscegenation Latin: The 7th Commandment simply says: To adulterate means to 'corrupt, debase, or make impure by an admixture of a foreign substance. Abram and Sarai, in their impatience for an heir, tried to provide a substitute through Hagar, Sarai's Egyptian handmaid. But the experiment failed.

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Ishmael was not to be the heir of the Covenant. He was a half-breed, both spiritually and physically. The son of the covenant was to be born of Sarah. And God established His "covenant with him Isaac as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him," Genesis How quickly God's promise can be taken away from a godly family may be illustrated by the following.

I used to say to the ladies of our church: One day they may want to marry them. Indeed, some did so. One was the daughter of a Presbyterian minister. She renounced Christ and confessed the Jewish religion.

How to Make Marriage Across Cultures Work

The only Christian thing she kept was her leather-bound, gold-cut hymn book. One day her mother-in-law came to me and said: She says that her biggest challenge at the beginning was offensive remarks made by his friends.

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  3. A Biblical Look at Intercultural Marriages.
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  6. This stopped her from getting resentful. Over the years, she has heard many remarks about the colour of her skin but she says she learnt not to quickly take offence. She imagined that it was enough that the two of them could communicate. When she met the rest of his family who mostly spoke their mother tongue, she often felt alienated.

    Recently On Marriage

    Sometimes she even feared that they were speaking about her. Now, with a lot of patience, she has learnt conversational Kalenjin, a big compromise she had never anticipated. The Homesickness — Cross-cultural marriages sometimes involve one party relocating to the home country of their beloved. If you make the move, you will definitely feel homesick.

    To counter this, keep in touch with relatives and friends, but also focus on putting down roots and building strong networks of friends in your new home. Assume Nothing — Your culture and upbringing has conditioned you to think in a particular way. Your undying love and acceptance of your partner will not automatically change all this. When she met her Asian husband, Anita, a year-old woman born and raised in Kitui promised herself that she would be accommodating of his religion.

    Communicating in Cross Cultural Marriage

    She is a Christian while he is Muslim. But because we knew from the beginning that we had vastly different worldviews, we made an extra effort to articulate our expectations. Some people may assume that if their partner went to the same high school, was raised in the same town, or possessed the same culture and worldview, they would naturally do things the same way—but each individual will come to a relationship with different ways of doing things. No two families bring up their children exactly the same way, and therefore couples will have to articulate what they expect, what they are used to, and what they would like to see happen in their own marriage in order to have unity.

    For us, the fact that the differences were so blatantly obvious forced us to be overly talkative about our worldviews, our upbringing, and our assumptions. We can point out blind spots, drawing out the best of each culture, and form a new version. We can then celebrate a richness of diversity in our family. As we began the process of expressing our views on various issues, we realized that we had more in common than we thought because our world views were based on the same source—the Word of God. With Christ as our foundation, we could agree on most of the important decisions.

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