Therefore, I have always attracted two kinds of women. There is the kind that wants to fix me and get me away from the party scene, and then there is the kind that wants to party right along with me. Sadly, I have to admit that no matter how much fun the latter are to hang out with, they are always, and I mean always , totally crazy. Now I am not talking about a woman that enjoys an occasional gin and tonic or a couple glasses of wine. I am talking about the chick that drinks all night, will try any drug put in front of her, and when she stays over, it always seems like you are missing a little bit of money from your wallet.

Chicks that party a lot are awesome This one can be a bit tricky. Some chicks that are all new age are actually very down to earth. They look at things in a spiritual manner and they are not all into money or looks, and that is a good thing. But if her name is Clover, she is really into crystals, and she talks about how much she likes dragons, and puts all sorts of photos of herself up on social media doing yoga when she lives alone yoga selfies are so uncool you know that you are dating a crazy chick.

This type of crazy chick is much less dangerous than many other types, but can be even more irritating than most. While you are not likely to have your tires slashed by this type, after you listen to her talk about astrology for a while, you will want to slash them yourself. A crazy chick that is not that unattractive and is constantly insecure about how she looks is irritating.

A crazy chick that is hot and is constantly insecure about her looks is absolutely unbearable. I had a girlfriend once that was totally gorgeous, but she always said she was too fat and was worried about being the hottest woman in the room. Listen, some of us guys may be shallow. Okay maybe almost all of us guys are shallow, but that is nothing compared to the way that some of these crazy chicks are when it comes to their looks.

They blame guys for their insecurity, but in reality they do it all the time themselves. And hey, I am not talking about all women, I am just talking about crazy chicks. You know who you are. Actually, you probably don't. This type of crazy chick is super-irritating. Now I know some of it is cultural; some women of a certain age are used to being totally attached to their phone and they text their female friends this much too. When it gets irritating quickly though, is when they expect you to be the same way.

  • 5 Signs You’re Dating a Crazy Chick!
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Just because you text me 15 times an hour does not mean that I have to text you 15 times back, and if I don't it does not mean that you can start texting me things like "where are you? I just went to the store for some milk and am coming right back, I am not on some mining expedition in Iceland. Leave me alone for crying out loud!

Notes on Being the Crazy Girl Guys Like To Date

When I say that your crazy girlfriend gets angry, I am not talking about ignoring you, or even starting an argument. I am talking the type of angry that makes you have on speed dial. I used to hang out with one crazy chick. She had everything on this list, partied too much, was great in bed, I could go on and on.

But this one is what makes me think of her the most. One time she pulled over and tried to push me out of the car in the middle of nowhere, and another time, what seemed like a normal argument quickly turned into me ducking things that were being thrown at my head. Do not play around with this type of crazy chick, just end the relationship and run away as soon as you possibly can.

Listen, I hate to tell you this one. In fact, I almost left it out because it really does stink so much, but it is true. There is an old expression that goes something like "crazy in bed, crazy in the head" and I have to admit that this is true. All of the women, and I mean all of them, that were really adventurous in bed, that were up for anything at any time, well, all of them were crazy.

Conversely the women that I have gone out with that held good jobs, were stable, and were the typical good marriage material types, all of them were pretty awful. If you are a woman you can get mad about me saying this all you want, but when you really think of it, it just makes sense.

I am adventurous myself, and I am crazy as all get out. This one might need a little more explanation than some others in that there is nothing wrong with a woman who shows emotion and who cries when she is sad. What I am talking about is when someone manipulates you by faking a mental breakdown. If you have never seen this happen then congrats- you have never dated a crazy chick.

How can I… fuck her? But Amber was really good in bed; and there you have my epitaph, or one of them, anyway: Being insane really helped Amber be uninhibited in bed. We would have endless loud screaming fights, and then endless loud screaming sex. Her orgasm noise was like the dying wail of something or other: Yes, I had become that person.

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  • 7 Reasons Dating A Crazy Girl Is Better Than Dating A “Normal” One!
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I had become the member of the couple that the neighbors hated. There were other consolations as well. Amber would tell me fifteen times a day that she loved me more than anyone else ever could; that she understood me in a way that no one else ever could. And she thought that every girl on the face of the earth wanted to sleep with me. You start to believe your own crazy hype. I broke up with Amber a while ago, but I still hear from her. She calls me up ten times a day to tell me that she loves me.

Crazy Girl That's In Love With Me Made Me A Song

Every tenth time or so, I pick up, and then, somehow, we get into a huge fight. I just like the attention, I guess.

And so, I must confess here that I find crazy people to be fun and entertaining. Life with Amber was interesting; never a dull moment. Every second of her life was laser-focused on something or other. Yeah, she would scream at me for ignoring her if I dared to send my boss an email, but she also told me continually that I was the most awesome sexy genius of ever.

Dating a crazy girl plunges your life into a sort of lurid Technicolor format. I did it, so I know.

7 Reasons Dating A Crazy Girl Is Better Than Dating A “Normal” One | Thought Catalog

You get good attention and you get bad attention, but you get attention. The lights have gone down in the theater. Everything is in lame black-and-white. Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again. Emotionally unstable women are fantastic in the sack..

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I really fucking hate guys like you. You need more therapy than all the bipolar girls of the world put together. I think you nailed it. I worry when my female friends fall for the bullshit of guys like this. The whole tone of this is a weird combination of hostility and boasting. I asked you to be my Facebook friend? Jesus fucking balls, man. I've been trying to be all editorial and shit with my comments at TC, but this is so bang-on the money. Everyone I know who has ever dated a moderate amount of people have stayed with that one person a little too long, a little too late, a little beyond the usual just because they have a certain way with things.

I fully admit to my hard-on for crazy girls though. I find out that a girl is sane and I lose interest. I know I'm a horrible person for that, but there's nothing quite like that technicolor you so aptly describe. I am a crazy girl.