Thank You Holy Spirit I Am So Grateful The only thing that is left to add would be that there was no "new day". There was only one day to keep holy back then, so there was no argument over which day to keep until quite a time later.

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Whether it was a requirement or not, the bible is pretty plain that all the apostles and Jesus kept the 7th day and saw no need to change it. There was no reason or desire or command by the apostles or Jesus to keep any other day. I agree that Jesus came to fulfill the law, but I notice that whenever the apostles talk about not being "under the law", or that the law was done away with, they always are talking about the ceremonial law. It was a requirement for pre-new covenant Jews, but it isn't anymore.

That contrasts with when the apostles talk about any of the 10 commandments. That was the law that was kept inside the ark of God, and was included in the old covenant It was the most important part of His message to us. Why would God leave out what He wanted to children of Israel to learn the most, why would He leave it out of the new covenant?

I don't believe He did.

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It is the "law of love" that shows us how to love God and love our fellow man. That is the Royal law of love He wants written on our hearts.

That is the law of love that Jesus came to show us. Jesus wants us to be like Him, and follow Him. He came to show us what kind of loving character His Father has, and how to have that loving character in ourselves. And while I can partly understand the idea that the law is spiritual, and that we can keep one day holy to honor God I just can't understand it completely. We get to choose whatever day we want? If a friend came and asked you to help him move on Monday, and you told him that you would help, but not until Friday Would you be showing love to him or to yourself?

It would only be half way, right? The 4th commandment is a law about loving God and doing what He asks for no other reason except that He asked us to remember it. That's how I see it anyway. The Bible shows that the dead "sleep" until the glorious return of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords. They are not to be given a title applicable only to God, such as "reverend. The above items of agreement I took from SDA literature. I'm sure there are many other areas with which we agree with Seventh-day Adventists.

However, there are material differences that make it very uncomfortable for me to attend SDA church services.


Looking at it objectively, I find the differences outnumber the similarities. The visions and writings of Ellen G. White are held by SDA's as divinely inspired. I cannot accept this because the visions are often self-contradictory and against the Scriptures.

Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists

This is a major reason why I do not feel comfortable attending an SDA church. White as much as the Bible. This is very repugnant to us. Seventh-day Adventists believe that the writings of Mrs. White are the testimony of Jesus and the "Spirit of prophecy," Revelation White] belong together, and stand or fall together," Review and Herald , Supplement, August 14, SDA's further state that her writings should "be received, the same as were the messages of the prophets of old.

As Samuel was a prophet to Israel in his day, as Jeremiah was a prophet to Israel in the day of captivity, as John the Baptist came as a special messenger of the Lord to prepare the way of Christ's appearing, so we believe that Mrs. White was a prophet to the church of Christ today.

And the same as the messages of the prophets were received in old days, so her messages should be received at present times," Review and Herald , October 4, White claimed infallibility and sole leadership in the church. I do not write one article in the paper expressing merely my own views. They are what God has opened to me in vision - the precious ray of light shining from the throne," Testimonies , Volume 5, page In Early Writings , pages , she says that anyone who found fault or tried to examine the platform of her teachings was "fighting against" God. In these days He speaks to them by the Testimonies of His Spirit.

The Lord has seen fit to give me a view of the needs and errors of His people. One stood by my side, and said: Compare this with Hebrews 1: To say that one can be a good Seventh-day Adventist, and not believe that the writings of Ellen G. White are equal with the Bible, is to deny the foundation of their church organization. In the first Seventh-Day Adventist Church Manual , published in , one of the twenty-one questions ministers were to ask every candidate for baptism and church membership was: The visions were s and are presently a test of fellowship.

White suppressed all others who claimed revelation or divine leading while she herself assumed exclusive leadership, Testimonies Volume 1, pages Compare this with Joel 2: As we will soon show, Ellen G. White's errors and contradictions are an SDA albatross. Why do they cling to her? Because of the need for an authoritative voice in the midst of prevailing religious confusion.

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True, the Bible points the way. But even so, in the field of religion today it is 'lo here' and 'lo there,' until men are bewildered with the Babel of tongues. An authoritative voice, or divine oracle, to point the way out from the numberless bypaths of error to the fundamental teaching of the word of God is manifestly needed in these times when the full gospel light is to shine and prepare the waiting church to meet her coming King," Signs of the Times , August 13, The Spirit of the living God is the only true divine oracle. White has been dead since , and her spiritual guidance is confined to her writings.

SDA's have recognized no other prophet or prophets. Is it not strange that God would pour out His Spirit in the last days only upon one woman and manifest the "gift of prophecy" only for the lifetime of one woman? Cataloging all of the errors of Mrs. White would indeed be a long and laborious task. Only ONE proven error is enough to demonstrate that she was not inspired of God.

A large percentage of what she writes is not flagrantly in error; but because of the claims she has made, she does not allow herself any errors at all. White stated, "I was shown the company present at the conference. Everyone present in that meeting is now dead. If it had been God talking to her through one of His angels, He would certainly have known who would still be alive at Christ's return. There are no conditions for the fulfillment of this prophecy. You be the judge of whether or not she is true. When Advent people and Mrs. White were disappointed in because Jesus did not come as they had thought, they revised their interpretation of certain prophecies.

The date was not wrong, they reasoned, but the significance attached to the date had been "misunderstood. White says in Great Controversy , edition page , "In , attended by heavenly angels, our great High Priest entered the holy of holies, and there appears in the presence of God, to engage in the last acts of His ministration in behalf of man, to perform the work of investigative judgment, and to make atonement for all who are shown to be entitled to its benefits.

This a direct contradiction of the Bible. We "are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all," Hebrews Christ is our mediator, I Timothy 2: Christ did not have to wait until to appear in the presence of God for us.

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The Bible teaches that when Jesus ascended to heaven He went directly into the most holy place "within the veil," Hebrews 6: When Jesus died, the veil between the holy and the most holy place was rent in twain, Matthew This signified that Christ's sacrifice made it possible for the believer's prayers to reach the very dwelling place of God, which is the true Most Holy Place. This happened immediately after Christ's ascension, not in !

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