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It is through his love and support you become twice the person you already are. The guy you end up marrying wants to show you off to everyone. Something that connects you both. From there you build the future of your relationship based on that. The guy you end up marrying wants to know you better than he knows anyone in his life. He makes an effort to care about who you are and why.

The Difference Between Dating a Boy and Dating a Real Man

Even the hard things about your past, he works to build your trust that you can tell him those things. The guy you end up marrying might get angry at you, he might say things he regrets but he stays. He wants to work through this thing and figure out how to make it work. And as shallow as it might be the root of the relationship is that physical attraction.

There has to be physical attraction present but more than that there has to be an emotional connection. The guy you end up marrying you introduce to your family with a lot of pride. Not only does this person make you so much happier but everyone sees a change in your because of him. The guy you date leaves lingering questions of what are you and what can you be. Sometimes you each play with this idea of what it could be if things were different.

This guy is just kind of there until you meet the right one and you stop giving him any of your time and attention. The guy you end up marrying remembers everything. From how you like your coffee to your little habits you might not even notice. And he loves all of it. A lot of guys fear getting that close to someone.

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They pull away when things get hard. They duck out when something bad happens in your life. He knows at any moment that could be him and he likes knowing he has you if ever that day comes. He also respects you enough to never want to make you pay for anything.

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He takes a lot of pride in spoiling you. You talk about sports and where you are going out. He might like you.

He might like being with you sometimes. You look him in the eyes and you see the next fifty years in front of you. Kirsten is the author of But Before You Leave , a book of poetry about the experiences we struggle to put into words. The cover and theme for my newest book was inspired by the concept of kintsugi. All that is dark or cracked within us has the capacity to be fixed, to be filled with light.

15 Ways To Know If You’re Dating a Man or Boy - Paul C. Brunson

A real man knows what he wants in a partner, and once he has found that special someone, he commits himself and his whole life to them. Your happiness becomes his happiness. He stays loyal to you because he understands that one true love is enough for a lifetime. Some guys would tell you that he loves you, but you could tell from his wandering eyes that he doesn't really mean what he said.

The ugly truth is, part of him is still looking for the next best option out there for him. Granted, it's in our genes to desire multiple mates, just as for other animals. But we humans are also bestowed with the gift of rationality.

We can think and plan beyond our primary urges, and sometimes even survival instincts. A real man is someone who's able to make decisions based on what he thinks is right, instead of what he feels like doing. If 'forever' is what you're looking for, then only a real man who has the self-discipline in him can deliver that promise to you. Some guys face difficulty opening up to their significant other because of the strong, brave, masculine front which they have taken all their life to build and polish.

Indeed, a man's honesty brings out his most vulnerable side. Whether his lover would take that part of him and embrace it or trample on it, he will never know. This is why honesty often takes more than it seems, and only a real man who is humble and sincere has the capacity to offer that to you. Not just because he trusts you, but also because he respects your desire for more of him. So if you ever find a man who can be honest with you about himself, treasure his openness and trust in you. Never dismiss it as no big deal, because by sharing his everything with you, he's actually making you his big deal.

When a real man realises that he has done something wrong or hurtful to you, he takes responsibility. He doesn't beat around the bush, give excuses, or try to cover it up with more lies. He apologizes and he tries to seek for your forgiveness. Because he puts you first. A man who apologizes is a man who loves you more than he loves his ego.


And if he is truly sorry, he will reflect upon his actions because he doesn't want to hurt you the same way again. And because he wants to be a better man for you. A real man ain't the jealous type. Or rather, he has grown out of it. He's secure in himself and your love for him. A sense of confidence glows from within him. He isn't untrusting or doubtful in the relationship.

He doesn't compare himself to others, or you to others either. Because of this, you are able to feel a sense of stability in the relationship. In comparison, a man who is insecure with himself often brings along that sense of insecurity into the relationship too. With him, the relationship is filled with unnecessary drama and conflict. Because he is unable to trust you fully, or perhaps, he doesn't even trust himself with loving you. Personally, I don't believe in changing myself for the other person in the relationship, or waiting for them to change for me.

I think sometimes people try too hard to make things work. I had been through that before, and things only got uglier. The motivation to change should come from within yourself, and not because of some pressure from somebody else. In one of my articles, The Difference Between Needing, Wanting And Loving Somebody , I shared about a friend's experience with her ex-boyfriend who had unreasonably high expectations of her. Because she loved him, she was willing to make changes for him, like going to the gym with him, hanging out with his friends and family more, and etc.

She was willing to do so much, so much for him, yet he's always nitpicking. It was as though she would never be good enough for him. A real man doesn't need you to change for him, because he loves you for who you are, whether at your best or your worst. If there is one thing I look for in love, it's security. In view of this, I want a partner whom I know is going to be there for me, in sickness or in health, for better or for worse.