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And this sense is different from the previous word as this slang word means that the younger girls wants to have a date with older man.

Dating Older Men: Taking the Search Online

This means that the slang words, sugar baby and gerbil cannot be used synonymously as they both have got a different sense. The use of these words is common but in particular age group. Usually, slang words are recognized by persons of all ages but these are specific words which are only known by the persons of the particular age, not among the kids or teenagers.

Visit the following link to visit a web page, where you can get meaning of famous slang. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. And the relationships go one of two ways. Either they end in heartbreak, because the younger woman wants babies and the man can't bear the thought of starting over, or they stay together, and the man eventually becomes a father again in midlife. So why do so many older men hook up with younger woman?

Well, the obvious answer is 'because they can'. But what makes young women so attractive to older men? I mean, sure, their bodies are firmer, but why is this so fantastically important?

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Older men don't have a great deal in common with younger women, and it's an easy option in the long term. It can be enormously costly to start a new family in midlife, both emotionally and financially.

Dating younger girl

Well, perhaps the answer is fear. For a man, an older partner is a constant reminder of his own age. He cannot pretend he's still thirty when he's waking up next to a fifty-year-old woman. A younger partner is life-affirming. She helps to stave off his own fear of aging and mortality.

Have you ever experienced dating older men? Be prepared to be swept off your feet!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 5 October Retrieved 26 August Retrieved 24 February The New York Times.

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  4. Slang for age differences in a relationship | MHM?
  5. Retrieved 2 September AuthorHouse — via Google Books. Asks the New York Times". Retrieved 14 November Retrieved 27 August You Did Me A Solid.