CSGO commands and console cheats to help configure Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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The owner of the server gains power to allow any users within their server to activate almost any client-sided or server-sided console command they please. This command allows you to see where your bullets go client-side red and where the bullets actually land server-side blue.

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This hidden nugget turns off the client-side bullet tracers from weapons such as the M4A4 and AK While watching demos, player model movements can be observed through multiple walls to view player behaviorisms. This command brings up a small rectangular interface for demo-watching. Exec is great for enabling private server configurations. Make sure you download configs from safe and trusted sites. There are times when you drop the bomb expecting the other team member to pick it up. This can make or break the situation of the game if you have already cleared a base and have to go all the way back to pick up the bomb.


With the command below, you will know where to drop the bomb with a special message so that every one of your teammates would know about it. We all have gone through the time when we lose a crucial round due to a failed C4 Defuse.

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  • This can mostly happen if the C4 has been planted under smoke, forcing you to waste valuable time searching for it elsewhere. With the bind below, you will be able to see where the C4 is planted no matter how many smokes are there. The command for C4 Display Bind is as follows:. Lining up the nades — especially the smoke grenades — has become an integral part of competitive CS: Watching pros do it is easy but practicing it out yourself in live games is really difficult.

    The nade alignment bind lets you perfectly line up your grenades so that you can use them to your full advantage. This bind has set up the crosshair to be a full crosshair across the screen.

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    You can change it any way you like by editing the commands accordingly. Are you finding it hard to jump throw grenades? Now you have a bind for it as well.

    CS:GO Commands to Improve Your Gameplay

    Just copy and paste the command below into the Autoexec file, set your desired button, and you will be jump- throwing grenades like you were born doing it. Apart from the bind commands shown above, here are some commands that you would like to put in the launch options of CS: However, some commands might be prohibited in certain leagues, therefore, you must be sure to read the rules beforehand in case you are participating in any particular leagues. Other than that, you can use these commands at your will during a competitive CSGO match in order to improve your gameplay.

    This brings us to the end of this guide to useful CS: Birdbrain [Finnelele] Last Online 24 days ago. Bomb Defuse , Hostage Rescue. Did this guide help you? How to open the Console! If you have trouble opening your console follow these steps: If you encounter performance issues change the value back to "0.

    The most useful console commands for CS: GO | Dot Esports

    This will guarantee you much more information about what's going on and better positioning! You can check out my complete guide with pictures on how to optimize it here: This comes down to personal preference! Thank you for reading my guide! Please don't forget to rate and favorite my guide if it helped you.